DeafDigest - 21 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 21, 2015 morning   -- CRISPR and the designer babies There was an article in the Economist about CRISPR. It means Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, a language that only biologists understand. Anyway it is about designer babies, meaning parents that engineer the genes to create a perfect baby. This same article also accuses a few deaf parents of wanting to engineer a deaf baby, which is not in the best interests of these such babies!   -- a funny emergency call request in Russia In Russia, an emergency call phone center received this phone call that had a funny request. A daughter wanted to find company for her mother, saying: my mother is hard of hearing, but hears well with a hearing aid!   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   8/16/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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