DeafDigest - 21 December 2012

DeafDigest Holiday Season edition, December 21, 2012 - Cost for deafness genetics testing If a hearing person wants to test his genetics to see if he has deaf genes - or - if a deaf couple wants to see if their newborn child will be or will not be deaf, what is the cost? A genetics testing company, called 23andMe, would charge just $99.00   - a deaf agency shuts down a TTY line How many of us really use the TTY? Yes, the old fashioned TTY machine? Well, the Division for Rehabilitative Services, Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DARS) in Texas, will be shutting down its TTY number on May 1, 2013. Why? Too few deaf people use it to contact DARS for anything!     - a deaf hairdresser that communicates with dogs and cats Mandy Carr, a deaf British woman, is a hairdresser. Her second job is to communicate with dogs and cats and to tell the owners what they are feeling (happy or sad or angry or disappointed, etc). A joke? Well, she charges about $130 for her services and she has served 1,500 clients so far this year. The irony? She has no pets at home - because her family is allergic!     12/16/12 Blue edition at: 12/16/12 Gold edition at:

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