DeafDigest - 21 December 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 21, 2017   -- an interpreter that disappeared A deaf family filed a complaint against Prince George's Hospital Center in Maryland, close to Washington, DC. A family member was going through an operation. The family asked the hospital for an interpreter. After four days of waiting, the interpreter finally showed up, but only stayed around for few hours. Just as when the doctor showed up, the interpeter disappeared! This complaint may lead to legal action over ADA violations. A picture is at:   -- deaf person serving on jury There was a big story recently in Ireland about a deaf person serving as a juror in a criminal case. It said he was the first person in Ireland to ever serve on a jury. A historian did his research and found out that Ireland had a deaf juror - 174 years ago in year 1843. This means whoever says "only" deaf person or "first" deaf person may need to do research first!   -- Healthcare newsletter says deaf patients love VRI It is common knowledge that deaf people hate Video Remote Interpreting. Yet the newsletter published by FierceHealthCare says that deaf patients love VRI! Does DeafDigests believe it? No!     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf woman involved in cosmetics 12/17/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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