DeafDigest - 21 February 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 21, 2018   -- angry Nyle Dimarco walks out of an event An angry Nyle Dimarco walked out of the screening of Black Panther. Reason was captions. Yes, it was captioned but only with an uncomfortable captioning device. He is now pushing hard for open captions. A picture of angry and scowling DiMarco is at:   -- worst USA president and the deaf The Washington Post today ran an article that said: The 10 worst presidents There is a deaf connection to that story. Right after the Civil War, Andrew Johnson was the president. William M. Stewart, the senator from Nevada, helped a deaf man get a job with the US Patents Office. The deaf man was praised for his great work but was not promoted. The senator went to the Cabinet secretary's office to appeal for promotion. Johnson happened to be in the office. After listening to Stewart, Johnson made an anti-deaf comment. Stewart never forgave Johnson. And during Johnson's impeachment hearing, Stewart voted for impeachment. Johnson survived by just one vote!   -- hearing ear horse A hearing ear horse for the deaf? Actually a miniature horse, but an advocate said that while it is suitable for the blind, it is not suitable for the deaf! So, for the deaf that need assistance, hearing ear dog is it.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- trapped burglar 02/18/18 Blue and Gold editions at:

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