DeafDigest - 21 February 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 21, 2020 -- tossing out cigarettes at a risk Wolverhampton, a city in Great Britain, has a new law that would heavily fine smokers for throwing out their cigarettes into trash cans. This reminds DeafDigest editor of a deaf club - Detroit Association of the Deaf. That club had posted signs warning members that they would be fined for tossing their cigarettes onto the floor. Reason - more work for cleaning crew to sweep the club floors. Amount of fine? Just 25 cents, but that was way back in the 1970's.   -- deaf truckers vs anti-deaf truckers The hearing truckers are saying deaf cannot drive trucks because they cannot hear bad tires, air leaks, engine failures, bad brakes, knocking engines and pre-ignition issues. Deaf truckers said they have been driving trucks for some 30 years and have never experienced these issues. Always a first time - but deaf truckers have this 6th sense that tells them something is wrong and they will pull over the highway!   -- screens to order food Many fast food chains have screens to allow all customers, including the deaf, to place their orders without misunderstandings with the kitchen staff. A perfect solution? Well, a deaf person could press on the wrong button - and have a hard time explaining it with the staff, or even trying to explain credit card issues. Even when the screen has this "cancel" option, there may be mistakes that are hard to explain!     Deaf jobs - latest update 02/16/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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