DeafDigest - 21 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 21, 2016 -- the deaf and the Starbucks A new Starbucks outlet in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will have 10 deaf baristas with 3 hearing staffers. DeafDigest says next step should be opening a new outlet in New York - same thing 10 deaf + 3 hearing - because it was when an ugly discrimination lawsuit was filed by a large group of deaf coffee drinkers few years ago. And last week, the U.S. Business Leadership Network said Starbucks is the best place for deaf and disabled to work. Will Dunking Donuts copy Starbucks and hire 10 deaf + 3 hearing staffers? A picture is at:   -- wine-making and the deaf DeafDigest editor is vacationing in Portugal right now. Because of time difference and tight travel schedules, DeafDigests are being distributed earlier than usual. Anyway DeafDigest editor visited a wine-making museum in Duoro, a region that have been making wines for 2.000 years. A question was asked of the museum director - do we have any deaf in the Duro wine-making region? The answer, unfortunately, was no!   -- world's hottest game is not deaf-friendly Do deaf people play Pokémon Go? Hope so, becase they have full rights to enjoy playing games on an equal basis with the hearing. But is Pokémon Go deaf-friendly? No, accodring to a recent magazine article! Same old story - one has to hear to stay ahead of others in Pokémon Go.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- no interpreter at sales presentation 07/17/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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