DeafDigest - 21 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 21, 2020 -- video producers must make a decision Not really in USA, but in other nations, video producers of films must make a decision - to caption the film or to subtitle the film. This is what one European video producer said in an interview. Which is best? Both have their pros and cons.   -- the power of the word of mouth Derik Kendrick, not deaf, is a contractor in Texas. He has never, just once came into contact with a deaf person. One of his hearing employees asked Kendrick if he was willing to hire a family member who is deaf. Kendrick hired him and was so happy with his work. Word got around and two deaf men, looking for jobs, were also hired - and quickly there were ten deaf men working for that company. He now has to deal with phone calls asking to hire more deaf! The word of mouth is quite powerful. Just wish many other employers out there have this positive attitude that Kendrick has. Kendrick then learned sign language to communicate with his deaf employees.   -- ADA celebration party ADA is nearing its 30th anniversary as the world' most set of disability laws. A party is being hosted by ADA activists - theme is ADA30 Lead On and it will feature entertainment shows by disabled entertainers, including the deaf. Just hope there are many deaf entertainers in these shows instead of just a "few"!   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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