DeafDigest - 21 June 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 21, 2019 -- the .005 percent The Delaware County (Ohio) 911 dispatch center received 46,069 text calls. Just 246 of these calls were text messages. Talking about percentages, these text messages were .005 percent, meaning half of one percent. DeafDigest worries that inexperienced operators, despite hours of training, may stumble on these rare text calls, thus wasting valuable time. Just hope it never happens.   -- budget cut means one less interpreter for university What is happening to Wichita State University could happen to other universities. The university said their numbers of deaf students have increased but they lost one interpreter due to lack of funds. The interpreter was lost despite this position being certified as legally-mandated! Said the university: must find another way to find funds for the interpreter. Will they? Hope so, for the sake of these deaf students!   -- lack of proof Many deaf people complain about being discriminated. These stories are true - but with one big problem, it is all talk, but with no proof! They must document these cases of discrimination. Yes, it helps that the iPhone videos are accepted as documentation. Still, the deaf people need more documentation than just iPhone only!   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/16/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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