DeafDigest - 21 March 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 21, 2012   -- A cheap quality Miss Deaf Pageant crown! When a deaf woman wins a Miss Deaf Pageant, she is given a crown to wear on her head. The real crown is pure silver. It was embarrassing in Swaziland when the organizers of the Miss Deaf Pageant gave the winner a cheap crown that rusted because it was not pure silver. A newspaper story about it made hearing people laugh at SNG Sounds, the "cheap" sponsor of the pageant. The sponsor had to replace it with a pure silver crown.   -- Comparing deaf attitudes in Canada and New Zealand Gary Malkowski, deaf and ASL-user, was MP in the Ontario parliament (1990-1995). Mojo Mathers, also deaf, is the new MP in the New Zealand parliament. Attitudes of Ontario and New Zealand are different. Why? When Malkowski won, the parliament quickly gave him interpreters, surprising him, But when Mathers won and asked for electronic notetakers, the parliament refused to pay for it. It took a lot of arguing, threats of lawsuits, and public outcry for three weeks before the parliament agreed to pay for it. Different nations, different attitudes!   -- Neighbors do not want deaf school near them! NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) is ugly sometimes. The Rocky Mountain Deaf School is facing fierce opposition on their plans to build a new school campus in a Lakewood, Colorado neighborhood. These hearing people are saying the school will increase traffic and ruin the beautiful nature scenery (trees, grass, roaming animals - elk, foxes and bears). The school must reach deal on property by December or lose the $13 million grant that would pay for the new campus. The cruel irony was that the land was originally zoned in 1977 for a new school campus!   -- Computer chips inserted in brain to help deaf-blind? Sidney Primas, not deaf, is a student at Duke University, taking a double major in biomedical engineering and electrical/computer engineering. Using knowledge in both fields, he is inserting computer chips inside the human brain. He hopes it will help restore vision to the deaf-blind. At this point, it is too early to know if this idea will work.   -- A deaf sports executive with a new job We do not have a deaf front office executive in major sports in USA (football, basketball, baseball, hockey). Last week Karim Fayed, who is deaf, has been appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Fulham Football (soccer) club in England. This team plays in the Premier Soccer League, the world's #1 professional soccer league. This team plays against Manchester United, Manchester City and other famous British soccer teams. The British people love soccer, same as we love pro football.

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