DeafDigest - 21 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 21, 2019 -- Russia's top deaf thief continues with detention Valery Rukhledev, the past president of the Deaflympics governing body as well as the past president of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf, was sentenced to house arrest last year for stealing nearly one million dollars. Because he has not followed the conditions of his house arrest, the Moscow City Court has ordered that his detention be continued.   -- the robot cop and the deaf driver A new robot is being built to function as a robo-cop. When there is a traffic stop, the robo-cop will approach the driver and go from there. Operating the robo-cop is the real cop, sitting in the police car. Hopefully this would stop the senseless shootings that take place during traffic stops. A big concern is the deaf driver. What would the robo-cop do with the stopped deaf driver? We shall wait and see.     -- a deaf man was in combat during World War I From time to time there are efforts in USA to have the Department of Defense to allow the deaf to serve in the military forces. Howard Lloyd, a young deaf man, fought in World War I and was involved in combat - sneaking behind the enemy lines. He signed up for the military in Canada and was turned down. He somehow was able to enroll - details are murky but it seems that the Canadian military left did not know what the military right was doing - and so, fell through the cracks! His combat work took place in France. He was wounded once but suffered no ill effects and lived a long life in Canada.   Deaf jobs - latest update 05/19/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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