DeafDigest - 21 May 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 21, 2021 -- a Dummy Hoy falsehood posted on twitter A tweet said that a deaf senior citizen told someone recently that he played baseball at St Rita School for the Deaf, and that his coach was Dummy Hoy. Could this be true? No - Hoy passed away at the age of 99 in 1961. Looking at the years involved, no way - and besides many Hoy stories and tales never mentioned him coaching baseball at St Rita School for the Deaf   -- hearing people run around in circles Deaf people often see hearing people running around in circles. To communicate with the deaf, these hearing people realized they needed pen and pad - and have not been able to find both in a hurry. It forces them to run in circles looking around for these vital communication aides!   -- about time, 20 years later 20 years ago, Verizon was DeafDigest editor's internet provider. A bad connection issue came up - resulting in countless deaf relay calls with their customer service representatives. Their attitude and bad responses forced DeafDigest editor to switch to a more deaf-friendly provider! This was in response to the news that Verizon is setting up a Disability Advisory Board. 20 years too late.   Deaf jobs - latest update 05/16/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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