DeafDigest - 21 November 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 21, 2014   -- school closed but tradition not forgotten Austine School for the Deaf (in Vermont) has closed for good - unless the state finds new money to reopen it. There was a Thanksgiving Day tradition that the school hosted for years. Not willing to let it die, the Brattleboro Deaf Club has taken over this tradition so that the local deaf community can enjoy this feast.   -- the MRI and the deaf We often see this abbreviation - MRI - which stands for Magnetic resonance imaging. While it is not X-ray, the functions are the same - to look for something wrong in the body - broken bones, organ problems, diseases, etc. Anyway, there was a big story today saying that MRI is bad for people with Cochlear Implants! Something to do with clashes of different magnets! It may be painful for deaf people with CI to go through MRI.   -- is a long time deaf-owned business closing up? Smart Alex, Inc is a Chicago-based greeting card company, owned by a deaf man, Jay Blumenfeld, and been in business for nearly 35 years. The cards are not deaf-based but humor-based, making hearing people laugh. These cards are sold in selected greeting card stores across the nation. Anyway there was an announcement that the card warehouse has been closed up due to downsizing. Not sure exactly what this means - continuing to operate on a smaller scale or closed up fully and for good?   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 11/16/14 Blue edition at: 11/16/14 Gold edition at:

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