DeafDigest - 21 October 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 21, 2016 -- a 3-year old Deaf Supergirl Kaylieann Steinbach, a three-year old deaf Australian girl, did not want to wear her regular clothes for her pre-school photo session, ignoring the instructions of her father. Instead she dressed up as a Supergirl. All of a sudden, a picture of her went viral, generating many millions of hits. Her picture is at:   -- one national deaf-rally too many Do we have too many National Deaf Rallies? Deaf people need employment, interpreters, better educational opportunities, etc - and have staged too many rallies. While these rallies have attracted attention of newspapers and the TV media, turnout at some of these rallies have been small. Is it because deaf people get tired of these rallies? Certainly there must be a better way to obtain our basic needs.   -- a deaf mayoral candidate Election time is coming up. May the best candidate win (for all elected offices). And in Forest Lake, a small town of some 19,000 people about 30 miles away from St Paul, Minnesota, we have a deaf candidate for town mayor. It is Brian Hile. He uses interpreters to communicate with the public. He took part, with other mayoral candidates in a recent forum, discussing issues, answering questions, etc.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Edison's 400 lightbulbs 10/16/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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