DeafDigest - 21 October 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 21, 2021 -- Deaf Steve at the restaurant bar Some years back, Steve and his group of deaf friends entered a crowded restaurant. Steve volunteered to sign up on the waiting list as Deaf Steve on behalf of the deaf group. They entered the bar area for some beers while waiting to be called up for the restaurant table. The clueless hostess did not realize it was the deaf group, under the name of Deaf Steve. Fortunately a hard of hearing person caught the name "Deaf Steve" that was shouted several times and saved the night for the deaf group.   -- hotel chain says no to deaf A group of deaf travelers wanted to stay at Sleep Inn but were turned away. No reason was given. Looking back years ago deaf people were banned from checking in by several hotel chains. Reason? A deaf softball team won the national championship and out of joy, they wrecked several hotel rooms. Word got around nationally leading to the ban. It was lifted after some time.   -- a new phrase for deaf actors playing small roles Many deaf actors play one-scene minor roles. There is a new name for these such deaf actors. It is sideline role. Is that new name a fact or an insult to our outstanding deaf actors that Hollywood won't cast?   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/17/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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