DeafDigest - 21 September 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 21, 2011

-- A different way of rewarding Deaf Pageant winners

Winners of Miss Deaf Pageants in Swaziland would
get a free car as a prize in the past. Not any more.
The Pageant organizers will be giving a free hearing
aid to the winner. The organizers feel that a hearing
aid is a lifetime reward, while a car is not!

-- Detecting hearing loss at a lower cost

If a person wants to find out why he has a hearing
loss, he may have to go through a genetical testing.
It costs around $20,000 and it may take years to
find out the cause of deafness. Two scientists -
Karen Avraham and Moein Kanaan have claimed to have
a faster way of discovering deafness at the cost of
just $500, and with only two weeks of genetical
searching. Will this work?

-- An overlooked fact about a deaf swindler

Last week it was mentioned that SEC has filed
charges against Jody Dunn, a deaf man, for
cheating deaf clients out of $3.45 million
on promises of big financial gains. It was
learned that Dunn himself has been unemployed
and has also been getting SSDI checks. This
was a fact that many of us overlooked.

-- Giving up a career as a model to become a farmer

Aqua Harris, who is deaf, was a former fashion model
in New Zealand. And at the same time, he also was a
personal trainer. He got tired of the fast life in
the high New Zealand society, and gave it all up.
He is much happier, raising pigs  on a farm in a
a small country town. The pigs he raises are English
Berkshire, a rare breed. He hopes to make a fortune
if he is successful with the breeding efforts.

-- A failed artist led to birth of Gallaudet University

Samuel Morse, not deaf, had high hopes of becoming a great
artist. He lived in Paris for few years, hoping to establish
himself in the Parisian art community. He failed and
came home, bitterly disappointed. He overcame his
disappointment to invent a telegraph machine that
won a patent. He needed an investor to help start
the business. This investor was Amos Kendall. The
telegraph business skyrocketed, making a lot of money
for Kendall. He invested the money in land where
Gallaudet is currently located. Who knows if
Morse was a successful artist, there may be no
Gallaudet, but a different college for the deaf
in a different location?

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