DeafDigest - 22 April 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 22, 2014   -- millions of hearing people thank subtitles Many hearing people hate captions and subtitles. But last night millions of hearing people thanked subtitles! A popular British TV program "Jamaica Inn" had voice and audio problems. They could not hear the conversations and music - there was so much buzzing and so much static. What did they do? They turned on the subtitles - and were able to enjoy the program. Hopefully these hearing people understand how important captions and subtitles are to us.   -- special shoes for the deaf-blind? In Dubai, United Arab Emirates, there was an exhibit of future devices and inventions. One such invention was a special pair of shoes for the blind (hearing). It has an attached ultrasound device. It helps alert hearing blind walkers to obstacles while they walk with their canes. What about vibrating pair of shoes for the deaf-blind while they walk?   -- cops hate hate deaf vendors? Wenzhou is a Chinese city of about 3,000,000 people. The cops in Wenzhou have a bad reputation for roughing up the street vendors, which sell everything - food, clothes, shoes, pots and pans, etc. One deaf vendor refused to leave the area when the cops told him to move out. As a result, they beat him up so badly that he had to be hospitalized. The cops knew he was deaf but it didn't matter to them.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 04/13/14 Blue edition at: 04/13/14 Gold edition at:

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