DeafDigest - 22 April 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 22, 2015 -- deaf at the Oklahoma City Bombing We are mourning the victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing in this 20th anniversary week. It was just learned that one of the emergency people was Ken Brown III, a deaf 20-year old volunteer fire fighter. After the bombing his fire department asked him to rush to the scene. He was everywhere - helping people, kids and victims. Twenty years later, he is employed by the state Bureau of Investigation. Because of his deafness he couldn't become a full time firefighter.   -- three deaf drivers in one car race! Long time deaf car racer Greg Gunderson was written up in a newspaper story today. It was learned that last year, he raced against two deaf racers in one race - Ricky Beebe, of Illinois and Lucas Hanning, of Missouri! They plan to race against each other again sometime this year. Gunderson is fortunate. After being on his own for a long time, the Krulls Racing Team, of Sioux Falls, SD, accepted him as a new team member in 2010. This allowed him to race without worrying about finding sponsorship funds. Every day he is at the Krull garage, working on his car.   -- the deaf in Luxembourg DeafDigest editor is vacationing right now in Luxembourg, one of the world's smallest nations. To be deaf in Luxembourg? He bumped into a young deaf woman on a street in Luxembourg and chatted briefly with her. She is a native of Croatia, but moved to Luxembourg to escape Deaf Oppression; deaf employment in Croatia is impossible. She has her own apartment and works as a full time babysitter. She loves the city. The deaf in Luxembourg? None, she said. Her deaf friends are from Germany and she goes there often to socialize with them. Why not live in Germany? She prefers Luxembourg. A picture of her with DeafDigest editor is at: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 4/19/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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