DeafDigest - 22 April 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 22, 2016 -- Uber settles on lawsuits What is worrisome for our deaf Uber drivers was that Uber reached settlement on lawsuits in California and Massachusetts. The issue was - are drivers considered employees or contractors? The agreement is that all Uber drivers are contractors - meaning no employee benefits (health insurance, annual leave, annual raises, etc). This is the same as deaf drivers delivering pizzas for big pizza chains. It is never good news when deaf people work for no benefits. A picture is at:   -- our deaf attorneys How many deaf attorneys do we have. It was always thought we had approximately 150-175, but latest count showed it to be approximately 250. Do keep in mind very few, if any of them, maintain their own private practices. And many of them do not use ASL. What this means is that ASL deaf, needing legal assistance, may be stuck with hearing attorneys, of course, with interpreters! There are few hearing attorneys, though, fluent in ASL.   -- must avoid certain deaf people There is a group of deaf people that must be avoided at all times. They are scammers, promising great financial rewards if you invest your money with them. It has happened too many times in the past - and it is still continuing - as a story came up in today's newspapers about a deaf man cheating deaf people of about $500,000. Police in Los Angeles are still working on this case. This is so sad.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Photographer, many magazine credits 04/17/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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