DeafDigest - 22 April 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 22, 2019 -- flight attendants do observe all passengers In a web story it says that all flight attendants observe all incoming passengers - to see which of them may be trouble makers, which of them may have had too much to drink, which are traveling alone and which are disabled - and yes, which are deaf! These attendants communicate with each other via body language, facial expressions and hand gestures. Does this help with deaf passengers? Lets' say if there are no incidents with deaf passengers then things went well on the flight!   -- refusing to sign up for Chicago Smart 911 Chicago had hoped that residents would sign up for Smart 911 to allow emergency services people reach them during emergencies. This meant revealing private information (medications, health histories, behavorial problems, mental issues, etc). Many of them won't sign up for reasons of privacy. Smart 911 would allow dispatchers to find interpreters for the deaf. Yet, many deaf people won't sign up!   -- a well known entertainer refuses interpreters Tyler Perry is an actor, playwright, filmmaker and comedian. Does he like the deaf? Or even more so, does he like interpreters? At a recent event that he hosted, he would not allow interpeters to come up on the stage to interpret for the deaf. If this is his attitude, then it is disappointing.     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/21/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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