DeafDigest - 22 August 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 22, 2013 -- Turner Broadcasting System promises captions everywhere The Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) said captions will be everywhere - mobile, broadcast and internet. This is great news for deaf people that like to watch programs on the TBS channels. And TBS owns the Turner Classic Movies network, meaning all of these great, old time movies, will be captioned.     -- a true story during 1930's This is a true story. A deaf immigrant came to USA and wanted to become American citizen. He had to take an oral exam that was interpreted. The question was - who was the first president of USA? The immigrant didn't know and gave the wrong answer. The interpreter changed it to George Washington. This immigrant then became an American citizen. Today, RID won't allow it but there was no RID during the 1930's!     -- a deaf referee for 67 seasons Roy Lopaty, who is deaf and resides in the Los Angeles area, has been a referee for 67 seasons. Not 67 years but 67 seasons. He has been a football referee for 32 seasons and a basketball referee for 35 seasons. Has he served the longest among the many deaf referees we have in all sports? DeafDigest editor thinks yes. At Gallaudet, Roy was involved with sports.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 08/18/13 Blue edition at: 08/18/13 Gold edition at:

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