DeafDigest - 22 August 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 22, 2017   -- deaf not allowed to watch the eclipse A deaf school warned all of its students not to look at the eclipse. School was afraid deaf students would lose vision by watching the eclipse directly. No, it didn't happen yesterday, but in the 1979 eclipse, by the Washington School for the Deaf! A picture is at:   -- percentage of new deaf students at RIT At RIT, which also includes attending NTID, the percentage of new deaf and hard of hearing students is 8.5 percent. In actual numbers, approximately 235 of them.   -- comparing deaf captions with blind audio description The deaf need captions. The blind need audio description. Which is more expensive? According to a newspaper story, audio description is more expensive. This is surprising!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf lieutentant, World War II 8/20/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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