DeafDigest - 22 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 22, 2018   -- Famous chef hires deaf to operate hot dog/sandwich stand Adam Perry Lang is a well-known chef in Los Angeles with his popular restaurants. He just opened up a small hot dog/sandwich stand. To operate that place, he has hired Zia Hughes, who is deaf. Zia works with another person, who knows sign language. Just the two of them that handle long lines of tourists and nearby workers on lunch breaks. A picture is at:     -- 2003 vs 2018; things the same or things better In 2003, a hearing daughter of two deaf parents visited Brown University (Ivy League school in Rhode Island) as she was considering enrollment. The group was walking on the campus, communicating with each other in ASL. A group of hearing students (or were they also campus visitors) saw the ASL-signing group, and quickly avoided them, by walking on the grass, far away from the sidewalk. The deaf father said the sidewalk was wide enough to accommodate both groups passing each other. Did these hearing students think deafness is a disease they could get sick from? Things better in 2018?   -- 22 states fighting FCC on net neutrality rules 22 states, plus DC, have asked the federal appeals court to force FCC to take back the net neutrality rules that they threw out recently. For the deaf, net neutrality means fast internet speed for everyone, not just the rich, and also to keep monthly rates down - instead of going up higher and higher. Will federal appeals court listen? Hard to say.       Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf attorney's tricks in courtroom 08/19/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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