DeafDigest - 22 December 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 22, 2017   -- hospital interpreter versus hospital VRI Deaf patients love interpreters; hospitals love VRI. What are the facts? One hospital said with interpreters, cost is about $67.00 per hour, but with VRI cost is $26.00 per hour. Do hospitals want to save money, even when it causes deaf patients communication discomfort? A picture is at:   -- some deaf happy with isolated lives A deaf person said: I prefer to stay home and do things I enjoy than to attend a hearing party where no one comes to me to communicate with pen and pad.   -- best news for young deaf kid that loves a movie A young deaf kid wanted to watch the movie "The Last Jedi" that was advertised as captioned. The ticket his mother bought said it would be captioned. But when arrived at the theater, the captions were turned off. The theater did not want to make hearing patrons angry if the showing was captioned. The family confronted the theater management, and they all reached an agreement to have the deaf kid watch a private showing of the movie with captions turned on!     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf crook almost became rich man 12/17/17 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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