DeafDigest - 22 February 2009

DeafDigest Gold - February 22, 2009

Gold edition            Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday

America's Unique Deaf Stories; free subscription
serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 13th year

(to unsubscribe, please click on unsubscribe link
at bottom or go to )


ASL Videos of the Week:


Deaf Cartoon (Fogey) of the week:


New Silent Call Signature Series Available at Harris Communications

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Use promotion code "ss15" when checking out.

Sale ends February 26, 2009.

For more information, go to:

or contact us at:


DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; do email:

sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always


weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday)


Four Deaf Cartoons (Fogeys) are shown every week on:

Go there to look at the latest Cartoon


Kramer Financial is a deaf financial services firm with representatives 
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Visit where you can also view all magazine 
articles for the past five years (all articles
other than those in the current issue require a free registration and 
login in order to view).


The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both
ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the
Gold section.


weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday)


News of the Week

    The prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
took place last week. One of the participating dogs
was handled by Pam Estes, the show's only dog trainer
that is deaf.
    When not training dogs, she teaches at Ohio
School for the Deaf at Columbus.


    Do stats tell the truth or lie? This concerns
the Current Population Survey that tries to count
how many disabled people are employed. And each
time we see the word disabled, it is always
as "deaf included."
    Anyway this such survey, sponsored by the
Department of Labor, to be more specific, the
Office of Disability Employment Policy.
    The web site showing the data is:

    So, let us question if it is truthful or
if it is fibbing.


    We all know that deaf children communicate via
gesturing and then as they grow up, get more
proficient with their sign language.
    This is not surprising, yet we are reading
of a research by University of Chicago saying
that deaf children gesticulate first.
    Not quite sure why time, money and energy
is expended into a finding that we already
knew for sure?
    The Chicago report was posted in Science
Daily last week.


For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email


weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at:

updated every Monday



It's Valentine's Day all month with 14% the hot pink heart shaped
Sonic Boom Sweetheart Alarm or the Sonic Bomb.

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    Earth has many, many fossils. Were any of the
fossils deaf?
    There was one - a fossil of a bat that is
52 million years old.
    Bats are deaf. So, possibly this is the oldest
Deaf Fossil that we know about!

- for ASL News version, please click on:

(for your convenience, video links are posted on top
of each DeafDigest edition)


DiiT / Deaf Initiative in Technology - 2009 Summer Workshop Schedule

The Deaf Initiative in Technology (DiiT) is very excited to introduce its 
2009 Summer Workshop Schedule!

DiiT is offering many new workshops this year including Basic Business 
Correspondence and a series on Engineering related topics!

DiiT provides up-to-the-minute technical training in an all sign 
environment.  Workshop participants get the benefit of direct interaction 
with the instructors without the need for interpreters that most 
professional workshops require.

All workshops are held at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf ( ) at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 
Rochester, New York ( )

To register, download the DiiT Workshop Registration Form or call 
585-475-7545 (Voice or TTY)

The 2009 DiiT Summer Workshop Schedule:

DiiT Workshop Series on Business

1. Is It For You: Starting Your Own Business; June 8-12, 2009

(newly added, 2/1/09)
2. Microsoft Access 2007; Create a Database; June 15-15, 2009

3. Microsoft Office 2007: A Professional Approach; July 13-17, 2009

DiiT Workshop Series on Workplace Writing -- (NEW!!!)

4. Basic Workplace Correspondence; June 22-26, 2009

5. Basic Report Writing in the Workplace; August (TBD)

DiiT Workshop Series on Engineering --  (NEW!!!)
6. Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt; June 8-12, 2009

7. Intro to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's); June 8-10, 2009

8. Intro to Computer Numerical Control Programming; June 15-19, 2009

9. Migrating from 2D CAD to 3D CAD using Revit Architecture June 15-19, 

10. Solid Modeling with SolidWorks; June 22-26, 2009

DiiT Workshop Series on Graphic Communication:
11. Web Site Development Using Dreamweaver CS4; June 8-12, 2009

12. Self-Publishing a Book; June 15-19, 2009

13. Adobe Flash CS4; June 22-26, 2009

14. Wide Format Printing; June 22-26, 2009

15. Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional; July 13-17, 2009

DiiT Workshop Series on Information Technology:
16. Introduction to Microsoft Visual Basic.NET; June 8-12, 2009

17. JavaScript Made Easy with JQuery; June 15-19, 2009

18.  PHP 6 and MySQL 5;    July 13-17, 2009

19. PC Assembly, Maintenance, and Repair; July 13-17, 2009


    More colleges offer Disability Studies. Is that good
or bad for us?
    It is good because it helps hearing people understand
the needs of the disabled, the deaf included.
    It is bad because hearing people tend to ignore the
needs of the deaf while studying the needs of the
hearing disabled.
    Our deafness is invisible, and people don't know we
are deaf when they see us on the streets.

- for ASL News version, please click on:

(for your convenience, video links are posted on top
of each DeafDigest edition)

    It is always when a hearing person says something
to a deaf person, and if the deaf person asks to
repeat what was said, the hearing person would say
"oh, never mind."
    Are we seeing the same thing with videophones?
There have been cases of a deaf person asking to chat
with another deaf person on video phone. And when the
other deaf person says he does not have it, then
the response is:

oh, never mind!


    Which is better - ADA regulations by the book
or the Power of the Attitude?
    A retired owner of a car repair shop in Georgia
had this tale about his father, whose business
the son inherited:

I watched my father teach a deaf man how to rebuild
transmissions. My father did not know sign language.
But they communicated.

    This was during the 1950's and 1960's, years way
before ADA came into being.

    We, the deaf, are so used to being deaf that we
take it for granted and move on with our lives.
    Not that so for those who try to be deaf for 24 hours
by plugging in their ears and shutting out the sound.
    At the end of 24 hours, the student, taking part in a
class project, said:

Can't wait to get these plugs out of my ears and return 
to my normal hearing. I'm feeling very withdrawn

    DeafDigest editor checked into a hotel in Philadelphia
last week. The laptop would not work with the wireless
set up in the hotel room. A 800-number had to be called
to solve the wireless problem.
    The only problem is that the laptop had no
internet connection and it was not possible to make a
800 call.
    Yes, the hotel has a TTY - but who uses the TTY
these days?
    Fortunately, the problem was solved by a call from
a hearing person. But what if it was an all-deaf group?

    DeafDigest editor bumped into a Coda he has known
for years.
    The Coda recently replied:

it is a Coda thing

    His response was to the question why he preferred
field interpreting as opposed to video phone
    He said he felt uncomfortable when being
"stared" down on the screen by deaf acquaintances
that chance on him on the video.

    DeafDigest worries that the bad economy has
impacted on the deaf employees everywhere.
    When business is bad, everyone gets laid off,
not just the deaf, but the hearing.
    Yet, there are still some jobs that can be
found - only if these job seekers are willing
to relocate.
    And when a deaf person is comfortable with his
status in the local deaf community, he is more
reluctant to pull up roots to seek employment.
    Which is better - steady employment or
status as a respected member of the deaf community?

    Last week's DeafDigest mentioned a puzzling
statement in a restaurant review in a British
    It said:

Don't take your deaf mother there

    Actually, it was a misprint. It was supposed to
be written as:

Don't take your dear mother there

    A British subscriber to DeafDigest pointed out the
    We have been so accustomed to reading the word
death when it meant to be spelled as deaf.
    Perhaps the word dear is so much more pleasant
sounding than the word death!


For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please

for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of this



A comment that says:

They didn't want me going deaf before I was supposed to

it may seem to mean that the hearing person expects to be deaf
some day, but did not want to be deaf prematurely!


Deaf Cruise Hawaii 2009 Special !!!

You only pay 50% off deposit when you book Deaf Cruise Hawaii 2009 !

Don't miss this amazing opportunity to book your Deaf Cruise Hawaii 2009 
during ONE-DAY Sale on Thursday, November 20th.

Just pay half the standard deposit on already low rates and still get all 
the benefits of Freestyle Cruising.

Then you can use that money for other things (like an awesome holiday gift 
for that special someone).

One Day.  One Sale.  One Great Deal.  Thursday, November 20, 2008


30th World's Largest ASL Silent Weekend in 2009
Signing Greeting Cards
ASL and Interpreting DVDs

Please browse our selection of signing greeting cards at:

The 30th Silent Weekend in June 2009 will offer interpreters
more than 2 CEUs.  Over 100 hours of classes also for beginning, 
intermediate and advanced sign language and ITP students. Many 
interpreters use this to get all of their RID required CEUs in a one-stop 
venue at significant cost savings.  Get a group as small as five to 
register at huge savings!

Peter Cook, Crom Saunders, Keith Wann, Trix Bruce and many nationally 
known presenters are featured.

Check for details

Sign language DVDs are available online at - 
Consider "Oh See, Can You Say?" by Maureen Longo Tuccelli.  She shows how 
to make an excellent voicing product using a clip of Peter Cook.  This 
75-minute DVD  is excellent for ITP teachers
and students!

"Oh See, Can You See? shows dozens of grammatical principles
and will help ITP and ASL students understand what they see. This
is a 55-minute DVD

The 8th Florida/Alaska Motorcycle Charity Run is scheduled July 1-26,

See for updates and photos.
These trips will take place every year so why not make plans to
join us now in 2009?


Hot DeafNews boring, but important!
    Pop more vitamins into your body and you may continue
as a hearing person!
    This is what University of Florida researcher Colleen 
Le Prell is saying, while presenting papers at the
Association for Research in Otolaryngology conference
earlier in the week.
    She is saying that such pills, containing antioxidants,
vitamins C and E and the mineral magnesium is what may
be needed to prevent noise-induced and age-induced


Deaf Picture of the Week:

Jacob McDaniel
champion, Jiu-Jitsu U.S. Open


Question of the week:

Q. I am always reading in the newspapers about deafness
defined in percentages - as if the person is 70 percent
deaf. Is this the same thing as hearing loss in 70 dB?

A. No. There is no such a thing as deafness defined in
percentages. Decibels is the way to define degrees of
deafness. Percentages is something newspaper reporters
like to make up.

send your questions to

the most interesting questions may be answered
in future DeafDigest editions. Thank you.


Wish List of the Week:

that we will see no more Deaf Investment frauds
at any time in the future


DeafHistory - Looking Back:

Year 1486 - Princess Jean Stewart of Scotland passes away.
She was deaf, and she used sign language to communicate
with people.


Deaf and the Money:

amount of money lost by deaf investors in the Deaf
Ponzi scam that was revealed this week -  $4.4 million


DeafNumbers of the Week:

How many deaf sumo wrestlers do we have in Japan?

In the big time sumo events, none.

In sumo training schools, six deaf sumo wrestlers


DeafDigest Sports

DeafDigest Sports is a no-cost subscription available only for DeafDigest 
subscribers; e-mail

there is no web page postings with DeafDigest Sports;
you have to subscribe to keep up with deafsports!



* on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the
   best in the nation.

* For more information, send E-mail to


position opening
English teacher of Deaf students
Kapi'olani Community College
Honolulu, Hawai'i

Kapi'olani Community College (KCC) has just posted a job announcement 
for an English teacher of Deaf students and I wanted to share this with 

Hopefully, some of you may be interested in applying for this position

Others of you may want to share this job opportunity with your colleagues 
or former graduate students.

You can find the job announcement at

It is listed as position #0086923T.

Closing date is March 7, 2009.

Kapi'olani Community College has the largest enrollment of Deaf students 
in the University of Hawai'i system.

The Kapi'olani Deaf Center supports KCC Deaf students in the developmental 
English program as well as Deaf students in other KCC academic programs.

In addition, the Gallaudet University Regional Center of the Pacific is 
housed at KCC and is situated in the Kapi'olani Deaf Center.

Again, I hope that you will either consider applying for this position or
forward this announcement to qualified individuals who may be interested 
in an exciting job in a great program in Hawai'i!

Thank you for your support of the Deaf Center programs.


Judy Coryell


many position openings
Colorado, Arizona, Puerto Rico or California...

Purple is GROWING. Isn't it time for you to go Purple?

Advance your career by checking out the current job opportunities at: ! 

open positions:
- Call Center Supervisor -- Denver
- Call Center Admin/Scheduler - Denver
- Senior Software Engineer
- Sr. Software Test Engineer
- Software Developer in Test
- Center Assistant- VA
- Center Assistant/Scheduler -- San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Call Center Supervisor -- Arizona
- Payroll Manager
- Paralegal/Legal Assistant
- Customer Service Representative -- Global Operations
- Center Supervisor: Community Services -- Washington, DC
- Center Director -- Washington, DC
- Staff Accountant
- Product Manager

Pearlene Utley
Corporate Recruiter
Phone: 916-273-9833


Job Announcements
Indiana School for the Deaf
Indianapolis, IN

The Indiana School for the Deaf currently has job openings/postings
for the following positions:

Job Title                     Posting #          Posting Dates

Nurse (intermittent)          561742             2/12/09-3/15/09            
Charge Nurse                  561757             2/12/09-3/15/09             
Audiologist                   561743             2/12/09-3/1/09            
Teacher Ast (Intm-Preschool)  561754                   2/12/09-3/1/09             
Teacher Ast (Intm-Elementary) 561752             2/12/09-3/1/09             
Teacher Ast (FT- High School) 561751             2/12/09-3/1/09            
Food Service Worker           561756             2/12/09-3/1/09             

Applicants must submit an Indiana State Application via the Indiana
State Personnel website at

If you have any questions please contact Carole Morgan in our Human
Resources Department via telephone (317/920-6340 v/tty) or E-Mail:   Website:

Mission Statement-The Indiana School for the Deaf Community promotes
academic and social excellence for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students
through a Bilingual/Bicultural environment.


currently recruiting
South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind
Spartanburg, SC

Closing date/Time: Friday March 3, 2009; 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Salary: $87,112.00 - $135,041.00 annually
Job Type: FTE - Full-Time

The SC School for the Deaf and the Blind (SCSDB) is currently
recruiting for the position of President. SCSDB is a
residential facility located in Spartanburg, South Carolina
which serves as a multifaceted resource center dedicated to
serving sensory disabled individuals, their families and
professionals throughout South Carolina.

Visit for more information.

The President is responsible for the overall administrative
management and operation of the SCSDB and reports to a
ten-member Board of Commissioners, appointed by the Governor.
The efforts and initiatives of the president are primarily
directed toward developing and maintaining essential knowledge
and current information on all aspects of programs and services
for individuals with special needs, especially model services,
technological advances, and legal and managerial perspectives.

The president is accountable to a wide range of constituents -
beginning with the Board of Commissioners, students and their
families, and staff and extending to state government officials,
legislators, and local, state and national audiences who may
have special interests in programs for individuals with sensory

The President is also responsible for building awareness and
integration of the School within the community and working with
legislators, regulatory agencies and representatives in the
field of special education.

Minimum and Additional Requirements:
The successful candidate must have a minimum of a bachelor's
degree, master's degree preferred, from a recognized accredited
institution; meet all of the requirements for certification by
the SC Department of Education and at least 18 semester hours of
credit in administration and supervision and a minimum of five
years of senior level administrative and management experience.

In addition, an understanding of the major issues and special
needs facing the sensory disabled population, considerable
experience in fundraising and the ability to work with and
obtain the required funds from state agencies and the legislature
are required.

The successful candidate must also be willing to live on campus
and be a visible presence at SCSDB activities. Demonstrated
previous community involvement beyond the boundaries of employment
is required.

Preferred Qualifications:
Formal training and prior work experience are preferred in special
education, particularly in the field of sensory disabilities and
special schools and particularly those with 24-hour residential

Proficiency in sign language is highly preferred.

Additional Comments:
The salary range is $87,112.00 - $135,041.00., including on campus
housing and an excellent benefits package.  Salary offerings will
be based on applicants' qualifications and experience.  Salaries
above the minimum must be approved by the Agency Head Salary Commission.

Interested individuals may apply on line at

Application deadline is March 6, 2009

Visit for more information on the Presidential

Please contact Joye Lang at 803-734-9080 for questions about this


position openings
Georgia School for the Deaf
Cave Spring, GA

for position descriptions and application procedures
please click on any of below:

- Sign Language Interpreter (12 months)

- Residential Paraprofessional (multiple positions)

- High School Graduation Coach

- Occupational Therapist (hourly)

- Paraprofessional, classroom (10 mo position)

- Physical Therapist

- Reading Content Specialist

- Residential Advisor (DOE)

- Substitute Teacher (P/T-Hourly)

- Teacher (Blind/Deaf) - Literary Content Specialist


(updated February 22nd)

Exciting Career Opportunities at GLAD:

- Job Developer/Interpreter - Anaheim, Norwalk, Pacoima, 
Santa Ana, CA

- Placement Coordinator - Riverside, CA

- Community Interpreter - Los Angeles, Riverside, CA

To learn more about the above positions at GLAD, please go to our website:

If interested for any of these positions then please submit resume
and application to:

Jeff Fetterman
Human Resources Specialist
Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc.
2222 Laverna Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90041

V/TDD:  (323) 550-4207
Fax #:  (323) 550-4204



Special Notes:

Copyright 2009 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.

DeafDigest offers enjoyable and productive reading
both for subscribers and non-subscribers

a) DeafDigest requires credit with acknowledgement and/or reimbursement 
for articles that are reprinted elsewhere

b) DeafDigest reserves the right to revoke current subscriptions
or to refuse new subscription requests; those that fail
to observe e-etiquette may lead to subscription revocation

c) DeafDigest reserves the right to refuse unsolicited ads,
article submissions, and to withhold responses to incoming messages

d) DeafDigest reserves the right to edit submissions for
brevity and content

e) DeafDigest bears no responsibility for claims, accuracy and
legality of entire text contents and web links

f) DeafDigest does not endorse material, postings and web pages
and is not responsible for damages and consequences

g) DeafDigest is an independent e-newsletter, not affiliated
with any deaf organizations and deaf agencies

h) DeafDigest advertisers of products and services must adhere
to accepted business standards

i) DeafDigest subscription list is proprietary and is not shared with
others for marketing purposes

Copyright © 2025 - DeafDigest. All Rights Reserved.