DeafDigest - 22 February 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 22, 2016   -- small village nervous every time a woman is pregnant Quarad, a village in the Saudi Arabian mountains, 3,300 feet above sea level, has nearly 40 deaf residents in a population of 1,000 people. These deaf people marry each other, thus producing more deaf babies. This is the reason why everytime a woman is pregnant the village people hold their breaths to see if the baby is deaf or hearing. Word does get around that fast! These deaf people lead primitive lives and communicate via gestures and body language, knowing no formal sign language. Some of them use videos in their mobile phones to communicate with each other. For a picture of two deaf villagers communicating with each other:   -- a drunk hearing woman mocks deaf in subway A group of young deaf people boarded the subway in Surrey, a city near Vancouver, British Columbia. A 46-year old drunk woman mocked their deafness and tried to attack them with a knife. Two hearing people, seeing the whole thing, tried to break it up and she then attacked them! The police came over and arrested her. She is now awaiting trial and ordered not to ride the subways again!   -- a newspaper story woke up the legislators Few weeks ago DeafDigest mentioned that the Florida legislators were unaware of lack of standards for interpreters in the state. As a result, the House legislators quickly passed a bill to require certification for classroom interpreters. All that remains is for the Senate to work on it. What bothers DeafDigest editor about this bill - is that it is for classroom standards - but no standards for deaf adults that need interpreters! Hopefully it is the next step.     Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 02/21/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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