DeafDigest - 22 February 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 22, 2017 -- a trick by a deaf machinist A deaf machinist has been employed by the same company for fifty years. He said that the trick was to feel the vibrations better than what hearing employees would know by these sounds! As a result his machined products were better than what they could produce! A picture is at:   -- confession of a deaf referee A deaf referee. that functions as a hearing person when using his hearing aid, had a confession. He would remove his hearing aid while refereeing an athletic contest. He said with hearing aid he would hear abusive remarks by the players - and so, felt better off not using it!   -- notetaking vs CART Many deaf people do not use sign language. For them, they must rely on something else to keep up with the discussions in the classroom. This would mean CART, yet it was surprising that a deaf student at University of Louisiana-Lafayette would not provide him with a notetaker. As a result he has filed a discrimination lawsuit. This is puzzling - why notetaking and not CART?     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- do not use the word - deaf 2/19/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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