DeafDigest - 22 January 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 22, 2015   -- a new deaf contestant on a TV show In the TV program - Survivor: Worlds Apart -- White Collar vs. Blue Collar vs. No Collar, there are 18 contestants. One of the contestants is Nina Poersch. She is deaf. This program starts on February 25th. At stake is one million dollars prize money.     -- a fancy London restaurant kicks out a wealthy patron A deaf waitress, with her two hearing aids, was serving a large table group at a fancy London restaurant. A woman, in that group, thought the waitress was wearing headphones, and complained about it with the restaurant manager. He explained to her that these "headphones" were actually hearing aids. The woman didn't believe it and continued to complain, much to the embarrassment of her husband and friends in that table group. The manager defended his waitress and kicked the woman out of the restaurant. Her husband then gave the deaf waitress a very big tip!     -- Facebook wants to help the deaf Facebook is testing something new with its Messenger app. It will convert voice messages to text. Is that good or bad for the deaf? Good, if text is perfect with no spelling errors. Bad, if it has many spelling errors.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 1/18/15 Blue edition at: 1/18/15 Gold edition at:

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