DeafDigest - 22 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 22, 2019   -- only deaf person to be on FBI watch list FBI, for many years, has a watch list - keeping a watch on "dangerous" individuals. A dangerous deaf person? Well, there was a posting today that Hellen Keller, the world's most famous deaf-blind person, was on the FBI watch list. Dangerous person? Not really, but FBI didn't like that she was a socialist, hated President Woodrow Wilson, supported birth control and helped establish American Civil Liberties Union.     -- A Coda who didnt' trust a hospital A Coda, who is ASL interpreter, did not trust a hospital when his deaf mother was admitted for medical observation. Instead of telling the doctors, the nurses and th3 administrators of her deafness, he took action. He simply posted a big sign on the wall behind his mother's bed. The poster just said one word - deaf. It was impossible for the hospital staff to ignore that sign!   -- closed captions very popular and very unpopular with hearing Could closed captions be very popular and also unpopular with the hearing? There was a posting today that said: Captions have become more popular among television and movie fans, even amongst those who are not deaf   If this is true, then why are we still fighting the hearing people to have open captions in movie houses?     Deaf jobs – latest update 01/20/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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