DeafDigest - 22 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 22, 2020 -- actress Katie Leclerc and the deaf Katie Leclerc has played deaf roles. She has said she is not deaf but has a hearing loss. Not sure what is this supposed to mean - deaf people are basically broken down into four categories - profoundly deaf, severely deaf, moderately deaf and mildly deaf. Certainly she functions as a hearing person, because she has also played many, many hearing roles. Best to leave it at that! One thing for sure - it is fun to watch her perform in many different roles.   -- ASL and these European sign languages Royal Society Open Science published an article written by linguists that say that the European sign languages have roots, coming from five separate sign languages - Austrian, Swedish, French, Spanish and British. While Americans and the British people share the same spoken and written language, the ASL comes from French Sign Language, not the British Sign Language. British fingerspelling is two-handed; ASL fingerspelling is one-handed.   -- unrealistic TV plot about the late-deaf The NCIS Season TV series has a plot about a late-deafness character. Upon being deaf, the character quickly became an expert lipreader; the character fired a weapon, unaware of the command telling to stop firing; co-workers unaware of her deafness despite red flags that went up all the time. Discussed, though, during the program was that other nations allow the deaf to serve whereas the deaf in USA cannot serve.   Deaf jobs - latest update 01/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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