DeafDigest - 22 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 22, 2016 -- next step in speech to text Google has been working on the speech to text technology. Yet, we continue to see these live captioning bloopers on TV and with these youtube videos. Very possibly within the next generation, these bloopers will disappear. Anyway TDI has hired a deaf man, Eric Kaika to work with Google on these captioning blooper issues. Why these bloopers? USA is a big country and we have these accents, drawls, dialects as part of our rich linguistic heritage. His picture is at:   -- expelled deaf student wins court case DeafDigest mentioned a while ago that Jane Ottah was expelled from Rivers State University of Science and Technology in Nigeria. What was the reason she was expelled? The university did not want her because of her deafness! She won an ugly and nasty court case - and in addition to getting money, she is re-enrolling at the university. The newspaper said that her victory was unbelievable!   -- protesting the hated VRI VRI? Hospitals and medical offices love it because it saves them money on interpreting fees. Deaf people it because video screens are lousy. The deaf people of Houston, TX is staging rallies to protest the continued use of VRI. These rallies are taking place on July 29th and August 9th. Will it help? Doubt it because VRI meets the minimum acceptable accommodations required of these medical facilities.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf-produced comic book 07/17/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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