DeafDigest - 22 July 2019

DeafDigest Blue - July 21, 2019
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Last week's ASL Videos in youtube
This week's ASL videos in youtube
Dedication to the pillar of a huge deaf community
DeafDigest dedicates this edition to Mary Greenstone
that departed us. For many years she was the pillar
of the Los Angeles area Deaf Community. While
her work was based at the Los Angeles Club of the Deaf,
her influence reached out in the wide area for
over 60 years. In 2001, the club awarded her as
the Lifetime Member, the highest honor any
member could achieve.
Watch daily media coverage of World Congress hosted by World
Federation of the Deaf (WFD) on H3 World TV starting next
Tues July 23!
WORLD PREMIERE of "DeafGPS" mini-doc series exploring issues
impacting global Deaf communities everywhere begins Tues, July 23.
Video Announcement - []
On H3 World TV platforms - YouTube, Facebook and Website
- []
Top stories about the deaf:
An activist, in a letter to the newspaper
editor, proposed free hearing aids for senior
citizens above the age of 65.
Did the deaf people want the Sign-Language
Glove to be invented? No, and there was an
article said it is another example of hearing
people deciding what is best for the deaf
without consulting the deaf in the first place!
Emilia Jones, who is deaf, has been crowned as
2019 Miss White County (Illinois).
A hungry person does not like to come home
from work, too tired to cook up their own
food in the kitchen. A deaf-owned food
delivery company is thriving in Chengdu,
China (10,500,000 people) - 18 of the
company's 24 employees are deaf, and they
are busy getting orders, cooking these
orders, packing up and then delivering
these meals everwhere in Chengdu. Doesn't
matter to hungry hearing people if these
employees are deaf - good food is good
The Metro Court of Albuquerque, NM
has been accused of discriminating against
deaf tenants. A deaf tenant requested an
interpreter, and the judge said no.
It is not known if it resulted in a
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Derrick Coleman, the Super Bowl football player, who
is deaf, gave free hearing aids to several deaf students.
    DeafDigest hopes these deaf students will use the
hearing aids.
    Many years ago, a famous baseball player came to a
school for the deaf, to give a free hearing aid for a
hard of hearing student from a poor family.
    What did that student do? Put the hearing aid in
his bedroom cabinet drawer and never used it!
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
Lip reading tale
A hearing dog walker and a deaf dog walker were
walking their dogs in a public park.
The hearing dog walker was pointing at a dog.
The deaf dog walker thought the hearing dog
walker said:
This dog naws on the bone
The hearing dog walker actually said:
This dog gnaws on the bone
This week's ASL video in youtube
    A hearing doctor knows fingerspelling, but is not
smooth with it. He struggles and is slow with it.
    That doctor has a name tag on his pocket for
patients to see it.
    That doctor's last name is very long - Dr. Dzienkiewicz
and he met a deaf patient. The doctor fingerspelled
"my name is d-z-i-e---------"
    The deaf patient almost fell asleep, bored with the
slow fingerspelling.
    That doctor should have just said "my name is" and
then point to his name tag on his pocket!
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
"How do you write that so fast?"
In order to achieve the speed necessary to caption at over 200 words per
minute, stenocaptioners write whole syllables or words in a single stroke.
They stroke multiple keys at one time, much like a chord on a piano.
This is different from someone typing on a computer keyboard, who is
typing one letter at a time. The captioner uses his or her left hand for
initial consonants, the thumbs for vowels, and the right hand for final
If we look at the word "sat," the "S" would be stroked with the left hand.
The "A" would be stroked with the thumb. The "T" would be stroked with the
right hand. All of these keys would be depressed at the same time, not one
letter at a time.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
    We may be seeing a new trend that would benefit
world travelers that are deaf.
    It is an on-line travel guide that comes up with
everything, meaning scripts and imagery. It is
supposed to help the deaf pre-plan their tours.
    A requirement is a credit card that would allow
the deaf travelers to download these guides and
to pick the sites. A tab would be run on the
credit card.
    DeafDigest fears that clicking errors would
create hassles with the credit card companies
and the tour operators. Or even those that
change their minds after selecting their
paid-for tours.
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
Deaf British people are already sick and tired of these
hearing "deaf-for-a-day" deaf awareness events. A deaf activist
says there is too many of these and has accused these celebrities
of being interested in these events only because they were paid
do perform these pretend-deaf roles.
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Copyright 2019 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.

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