DeafDigest - 22 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 22, 2015 morning     -- deaf legislator worries about the hearing Do elected deaf public officials worry about the needs of their hearing constituents? Well, Mojo Mathers, the deaf MP in New Zealand, worries about her hearing people. She feels the hearing aid industry are taking advantage of hearing people by selling them hearing aids that they don't need!     -- An amazing Tough Guy Terry Richards is an amazing tough guy. He will be taking part in a 6 km race that includes running over fences, crawling under barbed wire, climb up a net, jumping down a mud slide, crossing a swamp and then toeing on a rope bridge. What is the big deal? Not only he is deaf but is also deaf-blind. This race is taking part in Canada.     past Mid-Week & morning editions: 6/21/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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