DeafDigest - 22 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 22, 2020 -- a shocking thing about a social networking provider Twitter created an audio announcements of its tweets as a way to help the hearing, but without helping the deaf. What was the most shocking thing about it? That when the deaf complained that these audio tweets were not helping them, Twitter admitted the company has no team of engineers working on disability issues! All that in the day of these ADA lawsuits everywhere.   -- a favorite Hollywood tale Hollywood has many great tales, but the favorite one, that comes up from time to time, was the hiring of ASL-speaking deaf man. His job was important - to act as the go-between with his boss and the outside world - media, agents, directors, producers, etc. The boss was comedian Bill Murray, because of his personal issues, did not want to be bothered by outsiders, and felt a deaf man would be the perfect choice. This arrangement only lasted two weeks - because Murray was frustrated in not being able to communicate in ASL with the deaf person! Crazy world, Hollywood? Yes.   -- dangers of two people with the same name During the sixties and seventies, there were two deaf leaders both sharing the same name - Gordon Allen. One was from Texas and the other from Minnesota. And the 1949 Gallaudet football team had two quarterbacks with the same name - Marvin Tuttle. One was from Iowa and the other from North Carolina. And now this - Mohammad Irfan, a deaf cricket player from Pakistan passed away. There were so much confusion among hearing fans because there was a hearing cricket star with the same name who was very much alive!   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/21/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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