DeafDigest - 22 March 2013

DeafDigest special weekend edition, March 22, 2013   -- hiring the deaf to work on early day computers Mary Gospodarek, not deaf, passed away last week. During the fifties, as a young woman, she operated her own grant-writing business. Her obituary said that she hired Gallaudet students to work with computers. They were hired for one reason - noise from big computers did not bother them. These big computers filled up big rooms. What did the Gallaudet students do? Did they work on data entry, or as computer operators or as programmers? Many deaf people were hired to work on computers - but mostly as data entry operators.   -- a sinkhole at a school for the deaf! heavy rains in the Danville, Kentucky area created a sinkhole on the property of the Kentucky School for the Deaf. A sinkhole is scary as we read a story of a man who died, falling into a Florida sinkhole and could not be rescued. Fortunately the firefighters and the town public works department came to the school to fill in the sinkhole - and it is not a threat anymore. The sinkhole was small and about 6 feet deep. It was located at a remote part of the campus, not near buildings or campus foot traffic.   -- the blind helping the deaf in Oklahoma, a group of blind veterans are being trained to become relay operators - in order to help deaf veterans make telephone calls. A big donation from a veteran has made possible this Veterans Workshop Class for these training classes     03/17/13 Blue edition at: 03/17/13 Gold edition at:

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