DeafDigest - 22 March 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 22, 2019 -- attempting a rare election feat Bruce White, who is deaf, served two terms on the city council at University Park, Maryland. That was years ago. Now living in Ocean View, Delaware, he is attempting to win a seat on the town council. If he wins, he would have achieved a rare feat - serving on two different town councils at two different times!   -- difficult to get last-minute interpreters Deaf students that attend hearing colleges, instead of Gallaudet or NTID, do so at their own risk. There was a newspaper story in Texas of these deaf students struggling to find interepreters at the last minute. Sad, but true. There is an option - only if the college could afford it - CART services, but again, not easy to find a CART operator at the last minute!   -- volunteering to fight a building fire Murrell Samuels, who is deaf, saw a building fire in Stockton, California. Instead of standing around and watching the firemen fight the fire, he jumped into action - volunteering to pull out hoses out of the firetrucks. One difficult task was carrying the 300-foot water hoses over a fence. He, and other volunteers, were thanked by the Stockton Fire Department. They said the fire could have been worse if not for these volunteers.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/17/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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