DeafDigest - 22 May 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 22, 2013 -- India's beggars telling people they were deaf In Mokokchung, India, a town of 30,000 people, two beggars, telling people they were deaf, collected 40,000 ruppees ($722 in USA money) in few hours. The police, suspecting they were faking their deafness, arrested them. Just for few hours, $722 is a lot of money.     -- Facebook is the best way for one deaf person An oral deaf person grew up frustrated, not knowing ASL to communicate with the deaf, and also struggling with lipreading to communicate with the hearing. He is now happy - thanks to Facebook. He says Facebook is perfect for deaf people like him - wanting to mix with deaf and with the hearing.     -- Attorneys must learn sign language? Must attorneys learn sign language to communicate with deaf clients? The Royal Association for Deaf (in Great Britain) feels that if attorneys learn five new signs per day, they will know enough to communicate with deaf clients. DeafDigest feels it is better to use interpreters.     05/19/13 Blue edition at: 05/19/13 Gold edition at:

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