DeafDigest - 22 November 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 23, 2011   -- Cops beat up Occupy Portland ASL interpreter! Interpreter Justin James Bridges was on duty during the Occupy Portland (Oregon) activities when the cops came in and beat him up. The cops wanted to clean up the park and to kick out the occupants. For some reason, Bridges was beaten up. He was badly injured during the beating. -- Cops arrest a deaf NTID professor at Occupy Rochester A deaf professor with NTID was arrested for participating at Occupy Rochester. She was handcuffed behind her back, preventing her from being able to communicate. She claims this is the wrong way to arrest a deaf person. But Rochester police said everyone, deaf and hearing, must be handcuffed behind their backs because of a safety issue. Interesting because Rochester has a reputation for being the world's most Deaf Friendly city!   -- A deaf club not allowed to sell "private club" permit In Pulaski County (Arkansas) there are 23 private club permits. It allows these clubs to serve liquor until 5 AM closing time. One of the 23 clubs is the Little Rock Association for the Deaf. This deaf club no longer wants the permit and wants to sell it to a hearing club. In two special hearings, the county said no. Reason was burden on police and public safety. This issue may go to the courts, and in the meantime the deaf club is stuck with a permit they no longer want.   -- What happens if a deaf person on SSDI wins a big lottery? Suppose you are deaf and receive SSDI checks and you win a one million dollar lottery, will you lose your SSDI benefits? A tax attorney said that the deaf person will keep his SSDI checks and his Medicare, but will lose his Medicaid. Why Medicaid? Because if you have new money, you can afford to pay for your medical care and assistance.     -- IRS and IRS/DEAF group wants to help the deaf taxpayers The IRS and IRS/DEAF group is working with a consultant on how to best help deaf taxpayers. They have come up with a survey for you to fill out. There is a video that explains the whole thing but it is not captioned. DeafDigest refuses to post non-captioned videos because many DeafDigest subscribers do not know sign language. If you wish to see the video and the survey, email   -- Job opening, Executive Director position, New Mexico pls visit:

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