DeafDigest - 22 November 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 22, 2013   -- a dream weekend for deaf NFL fans (with a group picture) Deaf fans and hearing fans root for their favorite NFL teams. A group of deaf fans had a dream weekend, a stadium tour, visiting the team dressing room, sitting in the team conference room, sitting in the suite seats - all that with an interpreter! Also a private luncheon with Mark Murphy, Green Bay Packers' CEO/President. It took place on September 15th when Packers defeated Washington Redskins, 38-20 at the Lambeau Field. Vaughn Hallada, a rabid Packers fan and Woody Boxer, rabid Redskins fan, made this possible. A group of 20 deaf fans from all over USA, flew to Green Bay to enjoy the weekend. Included in the group were four members of Gallaudet's 1971 legendary Dirty Thirty football team.   a group picture is at:   -- a deaf opera singer learning to speak and hear at age 12? There is a story that David Serero, a popular worldwide opera singer, was born deaf. And that after so many operations, he finally learned how to speak and to hear at the age of 12. Do we believe it? Normally at age of 12, it is too late for a deaf child to learn to hear and speak perfectly. Maybe the writer was exaggerating this newspaper story?   -- finally - closed captions on airline flights! Southwest Airlines will start showing closed captioned video programs in early 2014. This announcement was made in today's news. It was felt that the aircraft people were "waiting" for the first airline to show captions, before they will "follow" with their own captions! It is about time because FCC said in 2006 that all airlines must show captions, yet all airlines gave excuses for avoiding captions - until now - the Southwest Airlines. Other airlines - Emirates, Swiss, Lufthansa and Virgin Australia said they will show captions on some, not all, flights.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 11/17/13 Blue edition at: 11/17/13 Gold edition at:

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