DeafDigest - 22 November 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 22, 2017 -- no net neutrality for the deaf It is not a surprise that FCC plans to remove net neutrality. The FCC chairperson Ajit Pai never liked net neutrality and removing it was his #1 priority after being appointed by the White House. Without net neutrality, internet and cable costs may skyrocket, placing low income deaf people at disadvantage. A picture is at:   -- new text-911 system is the best but with a problem People are saying that Next Generation 911 system is the best. But there is a big problem. It is very expensive - leading to a big question - who pays for it?  State legislators are wrestling with this issue.   -- deaf on Impossible TV show Impossible is a popular TV game show in Great Britain. And for the first time, this program is having a deaf participant. There are many TV game shows on American TV - but rarely, if any, there have been deaf participants.   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- hearing need captions 11/19/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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