DeafDigest - 22 October 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 22, 2013 -- just one certified interpreter near Seattle? Washington state has about 350 certified interpreters. There was a newspaper story that said there is only one ASL interpreter on the Olympic Peninsula. It is an area between Seattle and the Pacific Ocean. Is the newspaper story accurate? DeafDigest has doubts!   -- a deaf football referee's big surprise Roy Lopaty, who is deaf and has been refereeing football for 32 years, recently refereed a high school game. At the game halftime, he was surprised. A hearing referee told him that one of the players was deaf. Did Roy throw the penalty flag against the deaf player in the game? No. Roy watches watches the players on defense, while the deaf player played on offense.   -- a moviehouse closes in Kentucky to avoid captions! The Chakeres Theatres is the oldest independent movie chain in Ohio and Kentucky. It operates 6 theaters. The theater in Frankfort, Kentucky will shut down in January 2014 because the owners cannot afford the expensive captioning equipment. They lost a lawsuit and was fined $5,000 by the Kentucky Human Rights Commission. So, for us, the deaf, we win and we lose!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 10/20/13 Blue edition at: 10/20/13 Gold edition at:

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