DeafDigest - 23 April 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 23, 2015 -- deaf hands at a public park in Luxembourg A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in Luxembourg. Entering a public park in that city, there was a sign at the entrance, showing six different symbols. The one that caught DeafDigest editor's eye is the symbol on the bottom right corner. Not sure exactly what it means but it looks like deaf sign language. Look at:   -- 911's deaf rule There is a rule - at least in Fort Myers, Florida, that if a 911 dispatcher does not hear a voice on the emergency call, he will wait for a few moments bit before deciding that the caller is deaf. When that happens, the deputy takes over the call. Not sure if other 911 centers follow this procedure, but it is followed in Fort Myers.   -- deaf fans honor a hearing person Liverpool FC plays in the British Premier League, the world's #1 soccer league (same as NFL). Deaf fans root for their favorite teams, including Liverpool. For years, a hearing person would run around the field during the games, carrying a big sign. It shows the jersey number that tells the Liverpool deaf fans which substitutes have entered the games. It was important because the scoreboard had no captions and the PA system is useless to the deaf. This hearing man was honored by deaf fans at an event for his many years carrying these game signs.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 4/19/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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