DeafDigest - 23 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 23, 2018 -- a lost Coda child A Coda was lost in a department store. A public announcement system asked for "lost parents" to come to the front desk to puck up their "lost child." The lost child was too young to realize, and to warn, the store staff that the parents were deaf and couldn't hear the public announcement! A picture is at:   -- another word for interpreter Said an interpreter: We are called auxiliary aides under ADA Auxiliary has many meanings. One of them means something that is a back up. So are interpreters called back ups? Not so sure, because without interpreters, the deaf people are lost!   -- hearing film festivals There are many hearing film festivals anywhere in the world. Because of technology, film making is much easier. Anyway, one certain deaf film made it to 50 hearing film festivals. Did it make it into the big screen theaters at big movie theaters? No.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Australia detains perfect-speech deaf traveler 04/23/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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