DeafDigest - 23 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 23, 2020 -- our Master Level ASL teachers We have American Sign Language Teachers Association (ASLTA). This organization has approximately 650 members and has been around for a long time. How many of them are certified to teach ASL? Approximately 90. How many of them achieve this much tougher Master Level certification. Just over 40 of them!   -- the deaf and the wipe board In the past deaf clerks in stores used pen and pad to communicate with the hearing customers. Times have changed. Pen and pad is out; in is the wipe board. Hearing people love it.   -- deaf and disabled OR deaf and not disabled Deaf people part of the disabled group, or deaf people not really part of the disabled group? This was the issue brought up by a deaf writer in a newspaper column today. The ADA places the deaf in the disabled group that needs ADA protection. We need the ADA but the ADA says disabled have equal rights with the non-disabled.   Deaf jobs - latest update 04/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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