DeafDigest - 23 August 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 23, 2013 -- deaf people from Buffalo driving to Canada to watch movies? Many deaf people from Buffalo visiting Niagara, Ontario to watch movies every Wednesday night? Can-View Drive-In, a drive-in movie place in Niagara, will show open captioned movies on Wednesdays. Paul Moreau, a deaf movie-goer, pushed this idea with drive-in owner Steve Forrest. The owner agreed. But it is not easy for the deaf Americans to visit Canada - long and slow moving lines across the borders and they must carry passports. And then back home very late after the movies.     -- a deaf winner of a reality TV show DeafDigest has mentioned Sam Evans several times, as the deaf participant with the British's Big Brother reality TV show. He won. Endemol, the worldwide TV production company, made sure that Sam was allowed equal access during the filming of the TV series. Because of equal accessibility Sam was able to compete with hearing participants - and - beat them!     -- Nevada dumps a mentally ill deaf-blind man in California? San Francisco is threating a lawsuit against Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services for sending a mentally ill deaf-blind man alone on a bus ride and dumping him off in the city. This has happened not once, but twice! Nevada says it is not true and that the deaf-blind man was taken care of when he arrived in San Franciso. Who is telling the truth?     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 08/18/13 Blue edition at: 08/18/13 Gold edition at:

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