DeafDigest - 23 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 23, 2018   -- clicker for hearing; flasher for deaf Dogs have been trained through the clicker method for years. But not just dogs, but human beings have also been trained (to dance better, to golf better, to learn better in classroom, etc). What about the deaf that cannot hear the click? A trainer suggested flashing lights to help train them! A picture is at:   -- Nyle DiMarco faces a big problem Nyle DiMarco faces a big problem. A scandal? No! The paparazzi follows him everywhere, and they scream at him to give them attention. Nyle is deaf so why all the screaming in his face! There was an incident during the MTV Video Music Awards because of the paparazzi screaming.   -- comment during interview is a puzzler Kristine Leahy, not deaf, conducts interviews with Ninja TV participants. She interviewed deaf participant Kyle Schulze, and said: Being hearing impaired can affect your balance, and he did so well Seems the interviewer was misinformed. A medical examiner said that 30 percent of deaf people may have balance problems. This may mean 70 percent of other deaf people do not have balance problems. Obviously Kyle must have great balance to compete in these Ninja events.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- cost of job accommodation of the deaf employee 08/19/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:     -- opportunities for deaf writer, content editor and international signs signer go to: and scroll down until you see Opportunities at H3 World TV

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