DeafDigest - 23 August 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 23, 2019 -- Burger King refuses to serve a deaf woman The Burger King drive-in in Oklahoma City refused to serve a deaf woman. The server told her that they were too busy to serve her! In the past the deaf woman had no problems with them when ordering at the drive-in. Anyway, the deaf woman was stubborn and refused to drive away, forcing the restaurant to call police to get her to get out. The Burger King management immediately fired the employee and issued the deaf woman an apology, and ordered all Burger King employees in all units in Oklahoma City to be retrained.   -- refusing to discuss business on voice phone A deaf businessman, that uses hearing aid, says he refuses to use voice phone to discuss business, said there is too much misunderstanding of numbers, dollars, dates and other details. If the phone call is just social chat, then it is OK, but if business, no! To discuss business he uses email and text. For some reason he won't use voice relay services.   -- law students mocking a deaf student A group of law students was part of a skit at a social event. They mocked a fellow deaf student because of his deafness. After an uproar, the law students apologized. It was the law students at University of Canterbury in Great Britain, not in USA! They said the mocking was part of an annual student tradition.   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/18/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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