DeafDigest - 23 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 23, 2020 -- financially challenging times for deaf service agencies Because of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act becoming effective this year, the nonprofit agencies, especially those that work with the deaf, will face new challenges in fund raising. This law raises the amount of money one could donate - just to get a tax break. Challenges mean creating better ways to get donations - face to face meetings with donors, using social media to create agency visibility, staying with agency goals amd missions, hosting one or two annual BIG fundraisers, be open with public on what deaf agency have been doing for deaf clients and also on missions and goals. Keep in mind, this is not just a Deaf Agency challenge but a challenge for all agencies (deaf and hearing).   -- Deaf Glass Bottle has a great value Way back in 1880's deaf artist Andrew Clemens specialized in putting layers of sand of different colors into tall glass bottles. His glass bottles sold for just a few dollars at that time. During an episode of the TV Antiques Roadshow program, an appraiser estimated that Clemens' work would be valued at $30,000 - $50,000 nowadays!   -- laws on truck drivers and the deaf truck driver Even though the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has given about 600 waivers to allow deaf individuals to attend trucking schools and become full time truck drivers, the anti-deaf trucking restrictions are still on the administration books. There is a "war" going on - instructors of truck driving schools do not want deaf truck drivers; agencies that work with the deaf want the deaf to be allowed to drive trucks. At this point, no one knows what it is going to happen.     Deaf jobs - latest update 01/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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