DeafDigest - 23 July 2012

DeafDigest Blue - July 22, 2012Blue Edition              Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday America's Unique Deaf Stories; subscription at no cost to you Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 16th year -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Last week's ASL Videos with captions: This week's ASL Videos with captions: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Be Creative with "American Sign Language Clip and Create 5" Have fun making crossword puzzles, posters, banners, postcards and more, with "American Sign Language Clip and Create"(CD198) from Harris Communications. With its 5555 clipart signs, what you can do with this software is limited only by your imagination! Signs are accessed in alphabetical order or by category. Software includes six customizable templates, four games and 16 game and activity ideas. This fifth version features larger Sign-O pictures, more sign categories to choose from, and the ability to print pictures directly from the dictionary. "American Sign Language Clip and Create 5" is available at Harris Communications for only $39.95. For more information, go to: or contact us at: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always anonymous .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at:  (updated every Monday) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Use Hamilton Web Relay® along with a locally-based, 10-digit Hamilton HomeTown Number[tm] to make and receive calls without the interruptions that come from using instant messaging programs!  Don't have a HomeTown Number? Register today and share your number with friends and colleagues! Visit and click on the "Make & Receive Calls Now" icon to check it out. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The Z offers the best in videophone technology, providing equipment options to meet customers' individual needs and offering features not available through other VRS providers. Professional, nationally certified interpreters follow standards of service excellence above and beyond FCC requirements. Dedicated to a spirit of innovation and commitment to excellence, The Z continues to set the industry standard as the nation's premier VRS provider. Go to for more information on all of our products, services and features. Don't have a Z phone? You can still join The Z Life by calling 888.888.1116 to connect to ZVRS from any videophone! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the Blue section. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - What the stories are saying about the deaf? Too late when reaching the age of fifties? Don't dare say it to the face of Alyssa Myers! She was just awarded her nursing degree at Howard College, Big Spring, TX (the mother college of SWCID). She always wanted to be a nurse but was told that deaf cannot become nurses. Her next goal is to find a nursing job, working with the deaf, somewhere on the East Coast. - Very Hot News Comcast pretty much is just about the #1 in the nation, if not in the world when it comes to the internet, the cable and the voice. Do they have someone out there that watches over the needs of the deaf and the disabled? Yes, as Thomas J. Wlodkowski was hired by Comcast as the Vice President of Accessibility. - Sunday July 15th New Zealand is pretty much an advanced nation, just about near the top in standard of living among these nations. But what about the deaf? There was a story that many deaf New Zealanders cannot afford things that we, the deaf take for granted - wireless pagers, computers, cable, etc. - Monday July 16th A lawsuit has been filed against the Missouri Department Of Corrections claiming that deaf inmates have been discriminated against. - Tuesday July 17th Going on right now is the World Deaf Athletics Championships at Toronto. And reports are that this event is not doing very well; sparse turnout at track events, and at evening social events. And making it worse was that a famous Canadian singer sang songs without interpreters. An angry American person stood up and said "boo" for that reason. And that the bored deaf people in audience turned to their iPads to play games instead of watching the entertainment on stage! - Wednesday July 18th Feeling being discriminated against, big time, the deaf Zimbabweans are threatening to boycott future national elections. They are saying that the Parliament do not listen to their needs. ........ (Thursday-Saturday Hot Deaf News will be in the Gold edition) .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday) .............................................................. .............................................................. Celebrate Your Independence With The Sonic Ring Video Phone Signaler! Not sure what type of incoming call you're getting? Your solution is the Sonic Ring Video Phone Signaler, now on sale at 20% off through the month of July. Select a unique flash pattern for your telephone, TTY, fax or videophone with a flip of a switch! For more information and to order call us at 1-800-233-9130 (V/TTY) or visit us at For a copy of our catalog, email: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! WCI. Your Single Source for Assistive Technology .............................................................. .............................................................. FINGER SPELLING A WASTE OF TIME? A hearing doctor knows fingerspelling, but is not smooth with it. He struggles and is slow with it. That doctor has a name tag on his pocket for patients to see it. That doctor's last name is very long - Dr. Dzienkiewicz and he met a deaf patient. The doctor fingerspelled "my name is d-z-i-e---------" The deaf patient almost fell asleep, bored with the slow fingerspelling. That doctor should have just said "my name is" and then point to his name tag on his pocket! - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) ..................................................... ..................................................... Harkin's report on employment for deaf and disabled adults full report at: ..................................................... ..................................................... A SCARED HEARING EMPLOYEE RUNS AWAY AFTER GIVING A NOTE At a workplace, it is always annoying when a scared hearing person passes a note to a deaf employee, explaining a work problem. While the deaf person reads the note, the hearing employee runs away, scared. It forces the deaf person to scream at the hearing employee to ask him to come back to respond to the work problem. There are always some hearing employees that are always scared. Do deaf employees bite at them? - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) ..................................................... ..................................................... List of events hosted by the Maryland Deaf Senior Citizens, Inc. more information at: ..................................................... ..................................................... OUR HERO HAMBURGER There was a story on the yahoo news web site that listed eight newer hamburger chains that are trying to compete with McDonald's. One of these chains is our hero; or our deaf hero. It is the Culver's chain. The chain has made it a point to make it deaf friendly, that deaf drive-in drivers can place orders easily without being hassled at the take out window. This chain is based in Wisconsin, unfortunately, ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Meet and chat with deaf singles and friends worldwide on the #1 deaf network on the Internet....Deaf Match International ! Become a member and you can access all the great features of DMI ! * Find out why Deaf Match International has worked for over 10 years....since 2001 * Sign up and list your profile for FREE * Find the most Deaf and Hard of Hearing singles online - thousands of members ! Visit: ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Storewide SALE plus Free Shipping...Save $$$ right now at Hear World Communications ! Sign up for a free new 2012 Hear World catalog: "Assistive Devices for People with Hearing Loss" Hear World has a HUGE selection of New & Updated products....with the LOWEST Prices Guaranteed....For details and to shop online, visit: Do you have trouble hearing on the phone? Check out this amazing offer at Hear World Communications.....For a limited time, FREE CaptionCall Captioned Telephone for all hard of hearing customers who qualify .....includes FREE delivery and installation...and no monthly charges (paid for by the FCC) ! "CaptionCall" is a state-of-the-art amplified and captioning-enabled phone that features a large, easy-to-read 7" touch screen that displays written captions (with adjustable text) of what your callers are saying. For more information on CaptionCall and other assistive devices, contact: Hear World Communications TOLL FREE: 1-866-889-4872 (Voice or TTY) In MD, DC and VA --- Call: (301) 926-2365 (Voice or TTY) FAX: (301) 963-0785 VP: (866) 536-6781 E-Mail: or Web: or Live Online Support --- AIM: UnitedTTY or HearWorld .............................................................. .............................................................. OUR DEAF PROBLEMS We, the deaf, have our problems. Such problems are: - oral or ASL debate among educators and parents - difficulties in getting jobs - struggling with the printed English - lack of interpreters - lack of captions - etc - etc What about it? In a recent newspaper story, a person said: problems of 50 or 100 years ago are the same as today's problems. In other words, the more that things change, the more they stay the same. Sigh! WHAT DO INTERPRETERS HATE? Being challenged by an upset mainstreamed student, saying that he does not understand the signs the interpreter was using in the classroom! Whose fault is it? Probably the school district for throwing SEE, PSE, ASL, Oral, Cued Speech and MCE into the mix! if you have these "hate" or "horror" stories, please COMMENTS FROM A CART OPERATOR - continuing series Some errors that captioners and CART providers make are a result of mishearing what is said, but many of the errors where it may appear that the captioner misheard something are actually caused by word boundary problems when the computer software is translating the steno. Because captioners write syllable by syllable and do not put spaces between the words, something like a "grand parade" may translate as a "grandpa raid."  The captioner may have heard it correctly, but when he or she entered the steno, the computer translated it in an incorrect way. Someone may ask,  "Did the men unite against the cause?"  A captioner has to be cautious that that does not translate as "Did the menu night against the cause?"  Because these two sentences are basically the same phonetically, a captioner somehow has to make the distinction between the "u" sound coming at the end of the word or at the beginning of the word. Many captioners were not taught a way to differentiate between the two sentences above, and they must come up with their own way to do it.  Sometimes captioners realize that there is a word boundary problem only after a sentence has been written and the viewers have already seen the mistake. A PET PEEVE OF BEING DEAF Your hearing aid battery dies, and you have no backups just when an important meeting starts (Every deaf person, no matter if it is ASL, oral, Cued Speech, late-deafened, hearing aid user, CI user, etc, share these pet peeves. You may laugh or cry) BEING A FORMER DEAF PERSON What is a former deaf person? It should mean a deaf person whose hearing was permanently restored thanks to a medical operation. DeafDigest personally knows of several "former" deaf persons who have since then become hearing. Well, there was a newspaper story that headlined: Former deaf child shares his story with lawmakers Why former? Because a CI was said to make him permanently hearing! A CI may allow a deaf person to function as a hearing person, but to be a permanent hearing person? No, because take out this CI, this person is deaf. .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of the Gold section .............................................................. .............................................................. The Deaf and the Law: A lawsuit over rights of deaf inmates at prisons in El Paso, Texas has been settled - videophones are being installed for their benefit. It was spurred by a deaf person held in prison for ten days with no access to attorney or interpreter. ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago: We all know that American movies are captioned and foreign film are subtitled. And it seems to be that many foreign films are great whereas many American films seem to stink! The truth is that many foreign films stink but those exported to USA for showing at movie houses are culled from the best. Meaning bad foreign films stay home and bad American films we are stuck with, even those with captions! ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago: Could a deaf person raise a child? Of course, they can. Yet, a social worker in Connecticut tried to terminate the rights of a deaf father to raise his son. Judge Francis J. Foley III, of the state Superior Court intervened and scolded the social worker for withholding deaf father's accomplishments while in therapy. ...... Deaf Apocalypse of the Week: We all love to hate Netflix. No explanation is necessary. Yet, are we ignoring the fact that Amazon does not offer captions with its media streaming service (Amazon Prime)? Neither does Blockbuster on Demand, owned by Dish Network (DISH)! And Netflix is saying they are working on captioning all of their videos, just that complete captions cannot be done overnight. Netflix is huge, just enormously huge. Have we been too quick to jump on the anti-Netflix bandwagon whereas we have ignored Amazon and Blockbuster? .... A Lipreading Problem: What did that person say? You are angry and personally offended when you thought your friend asked: Are you retarded? He actually asked: Are you retired? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * YOU COULD PLACE YOUR PAID EMPLOYMENT ADS IN THIS SECTION * on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the best in the nation. * For more information, send E-mail to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- open positions Louisiana School for the Deaf Baton Rouge, Louisiana La Schools for the Deaf & Visually Impaired is accepting applications for the following positions: DEAF MENTOR, TEACHER, EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETER, PARA EDUCATOR. For details and to place your application visit For assistance call 225-757-3213. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Deaf Specialist/ Program Developer Oakland County Community Mental Health (OCCMHA) Oakland Integrated Healthcare Network (OIHN) Oakland County, Michigan Oakland Integrated Healthcare Network Oakland Integrated Healthcare Network is a non-profit organization created by the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) with the support of its network of mental health services providers and the Oakland County Health Department. OIHN will provide affordable healthcare services for the community. It welcomes those with any insurance, including Medicaid, Medicare, and Veterans health care, and offers coordination of services for persons with mental illness and developmental disabilities. Studies show that these populations traditionally have less access to care and consequently lower overall health status. Using an integrated healthcare approach, OIHN coordinates all health-related services for these individuals at one location. This approach ensures patients receive the care they need, in the most appropriate setting, and from a team focused on managing their care over the long term. As the first site in the Oakland Integrated Healthcare Network, Doctors. Hospital of Michigan will continue to serve Pontiac residents and neighboring communities as it has for more than 35 years. The Family Medicine Center at Doctors' Hospital of Michigan offers more than 20 licensed physicians, a full support staff, and primary care services for all ages. OIHN and OCCMHA are pleased to announce the opening of a Deaf Specialist/Program Developer position. Job Description: Deaf Specialist/ Program Developer Oakland County Community Mental Health (OCCMHA) Oakland Integrated Healthcare Network (OIHN) This is a professional position to provide specialized mental health and care coordination services at integrated medical-mental health facilities for individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and their family members. Qualifications: 1. Must have native-like skills in American Sign Language (Advanced Plus rating on the SLPI - Sign Language Proficiency Interview). 2. Possession of an LMSW, LLP, or LP required. 3. Knowledge of the mental health system in the Tri-county area. 4. Ability to work with local community-based agencies. 5. Ability to work with a wide range of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals of all ages. 6. Knowledgeable about resources in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities. 7. Clinical experience with people who have a range of mental health needs, including substance abuse, depression, psychosis and developmental disabilities. 8. Ability to work with people who are language dysfluent. 9. Ability to travel around Oakland County. 10. 5 - 10 years of clinical experience in the mental health field. 11. Fluency in written English. 12. Ability to learn Electronic Health Record system(s) and document in such systems. Duties: 1. Provide counseling and treatment to Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals and their families with mental health needs. 2. Work with OIHN Care Teams at various locations to ensure that all Deaf and Hard of Hearing people have an individual care plan. 3. Assist in orienting new patients to OCCMHA and OIHN services. 4. Ability to develop comprehensive mental health services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. 5. Conduct in-service trainings for collaborating organizations (including hospitals) about the needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients. 6. Education the Deaf community about substance abuse and mental illness, including availability of services. 7. Act as a resource to clinicians who are working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals about the unique needs of the community. 8. Work with sub-contractors to develop accessible, linguistic and culturally sensitive, direct support services. 9. Develop empirically supported treatment plans with clients and monitor outcomes. 10. File client documentation according to state and federal laws. 11. Work with the surrounding counties to promote the use of Oakland County services to clients who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing; hire and supervise staff as necessary. 12. Run support groups for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, their hearing children, and/or parents of Deaf children in order to maximize positive outcomes for clients. 13. Attend school IEPs when appropriate. 14. Assessment of client's physical health needs to refer to medical specialists when appropriate. Applicants will be rated on the basis of an evaluation of their education, training, experience and ASL skills. Applicants should provide adequate work history that identifies experiences related to the duties and qualifications as mentioned above. Deaf and Hard of Hearing people are strongly encouraged to apply. Deadline: August 30, 2012 To apply, please send cover letter and resume to: Mr. Jeff Brown, Director Oakland County Community Mental Health c/o Chris Hench JARC 30301 Northwestern Highway, Suite 100 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position vacancy Outreach Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Kansas School for the Deaf Olathe, KD The Kansas School for the Deaf, 450 East Park St., Olathe, KS  66061, is currently seeking qualified individuals for the following positions for the  2012 - 2013 school year: OUTREACH SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST (SLP) Placement made within agency guidelines on salary schedule depending upon professional background and experience. KSD offers excellent benefits (Full Time Positions Only).  Applicants will be screened and the most highly qualified applicants will be invited for an interview session. Positions are open until filled.  KSD is located in the Heartland of the USA, part of the Kansas City metropolitan area.  For area info on excellent schools and affordable housing check out: and For an application and a job announcement, please refer to our website at or contact Ann Troyer, Human Resources Professional, at (913) 791-0501 (V/TTY) for further details on the positions.  E-mail:  Fax #:  913/780-6563 An Equal Employment/Educational Opportunities Agency Tobacco Free Campus KSD Embraces Diversity -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Job Opening Creative Director CSD Austin, TX CSD is a great place to work, learn, grow and contribute. Throughout all our locations across the country and abroad, we work towards a common goal and contribute to the collective greater good and mission of CSD. We believe in teamwork, shared ideas, and creating solutions while respecting individuality and innovation. We are looking for a Creative Director to join our team. Our Creative Director will be CSD's chief storyteller and lead professional responsible for the global promotion of CSD's brand and innovative communications solutions.  The Director will collaborate with various internal and external production resources to conceptualize, develop and deploy compelling digital campaigns that create a greater awareness of and demand for our company's products and services.   This position will manage and build communication channels while comfortably maintaining dialogue with our consumers and stakeholders.  The Director will also inspire and produce ideas for the packaging and promotion of  our company's products and services. The Creative Director position is based in Austin, Texas and will work closely with and act as a part of our CSD Technology+Design Studio and business development teams. For more information about our technology+design studio, and current happenings with CSD, check out our blog. You can also find us on:   Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. We are Unique. We Value Public Service, Communication Access and Technology. We Aspire to Make a Difference. Apply With CSD Online Today at -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Interim Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Physical Disabilities Advisor University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI Position Number:     02039327 Official Title:     ASSOC/NO PREFIX/SR STUDENT SERVICES CORD Working Title:     Interim Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Physical Disabilities Advisor Position Type:     Non-Teaching Academic Staff Department:     B056035 SAC-Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program Description of School/College/Dept/Program: The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) invites nominations and applications for a fixed term academic staff position of Advisor (working title, Interim Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Physical Disabilities Advisor(DHH-PD Advisor) UWM, a Doctoral/Research Extensive university, is Wisconsin's premier public urban university offering a comprehensive liberal arts and professional education to its 30,000 students. The Student Accessibility Center (SAC) is located in the Division of Academic Affairs and the DHH-PD Advisor reports to the Assistant Director of SAC. SAC provides academic support services to approximately 720 students with disabilities. The DHH-PD Advisor will be responsible for maintaining a caseload of about 65-70 students. Job Summary/Basic Function: The primary purpose of the DHH-PD Advisor is to assess and provide reasonable and appropriate academic support services and accommodations to students and prospective students who are deaf or hard of hearing and those who have physical disabilities. The DHH-PD Advisor serves as a disability specialist, interprets disability documentation to determine eligibility and appropriate academic accommodations for students, manages student caseload, provide advocacy, and provides academic study-skills assistance to SAC students. The secondary purpose is providing consultation, education and training to the campus community about accommodating students with disabilities and ensuring compliance with the ADA, serving as a resource to the campus and community, and representing UWM, SAC and the DHH Program in outreach activities. The Advisor will also assist with the D/HH Program's outreach and other program projects as assigned. This position is a twelve-month 100% academic staff. Minimum Qualifications: - Fluency in American Sign Language and ability to communicate using multiple sign language modes. - Bachelor's degree in rehabilitation, special education or related field required - Working knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. - For consideration of Associate prefix title, 0-2 years of experience working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population. - For consideration No prefix title, 2-4 years of experience working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population. - For consideration of Senior prefix title, 4 or more years of experience working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population. Preferred Qualifications: - Master's degree in rehabilitation, special education or related field. - Experience in the higher education environment. - Working knowledge of Deaf culture and issues relating to hearing loss. - Working knowledge of accommodation services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. - Working knowledge of Physical and Mobility disabilities. - Excellent English communication skills; both oral and written. Special Instructions to Applicants: Complete application materials must include a letter of application addressing educational and professional level work experience as it relates to all required and preferred qualifications, a professional resume, and the names and contact information of three professional references. All finalists for this position will be required to participate in a criminal records review consistent with the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act and will be required to submit an official copy of their college transcript. If continuous, indicate initial application review date. Posted until Date:     07/24/2012 Open Until Filled     No Position Contact Name:     Shannon Aylesworth Contact Person Phone Number:     414-229-3340 Contact Person Email: EEO Statement: UWM is an AA/EEO Employer ADA Policy For this position, applicants are required to apply online. UWM will not consider paper, emailed or faxed applications. Additionally, applicants must complete all required fields and attach any required documents. The process is complete when the message "Your application has been submitted" is displayed and you receive a confirmation number. It is the policy of UWM to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities who are applicants for employment. If you need assistance, or accommodation in applying because of a disability, please contact or 414-229-4463. Employment opportunities will not be denied because of the need to make reasonable accommodations for a qualified individual's disability. Supplemental Questions Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). * How did you hear about this employment opportunity? No Response Public Job Posting Internal Job Posting Agency Referral Advertisement/Publication Personal Referral Web site UWM Employment Site Other * Please indicate the specific source: (Open Ended Question) Required Documents Cover Letter References Resume -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Health Project Coordinator The National Center for Deaf Health Research at University of Rochester Rochester, NY The National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR) at the University of Rochester will hire a new Health Project Coordinator this summer. The Health Project Coordinator will work on several NCDHR research projects, in collaboration with the NCDHR Research Team. Responsibilities include: Recruitment and outreach about NCDHR research programs with the Rochester Deaf community Lead healthy lifestyle intervention groups and individual intervention sessions over videophone Coordinate recruitment and survey administration for the NCDHR Deaf Health Survey 2, starting Fall 2012 Coordinate outreach and education efforts to inform the Rochester Deaf community about HEART: Health Engagement and Action for Rochesters Transformation Experience and familiarity with Deaf culture and Deaf health is highly preferred. Fluency in American Sign Language (ASL) is required.  A Masters degree in health, education, or psychology related fields is preferred, or an equivalent combination of education and experience, such as a Bachelors degree with major coursework in a related field and at least 2 years of related experience. If you would like to apply, please send your resume to: Carlene Mowl Email: Mail: Carlene Mowl National Center for Deaf Health Research University of Rochester Medical Center Box 708 265 Crittenden Blvd Rochester, NY 14642 If you have any questions about this position, please call Carlene at 585-286-5042 (videophone) or 585-273-1173 (voice) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening MCD Finance and Operations Director The Maine Center on Deafness (MCD) Portland, ME The Maine Center on Deafness (MCD) is seeking an experienced Finance Director.  The successful candidate will have experience in non-profit accounting, QuickBooks Financial and QuickBooks POS, and be proficient in both Microsoft Excel and Word.  Applicants must have an understanding of and the ability to manage all financial processes, such as detailed daily accounting functions, as well as higher-level accounting functions.  Such functions to include: AP; AR; processing payroll; monitoring cash flow; financial and grant reporting; budgeting and analysis; monitoring internal controls; year-end accounting close; and preparing for annual audits conducted by the State of Maine and an independent CPA firm. This position is also responsible for all HR functions as well as many operational duties. This is a stand-alone position; therefore the candidate must be comfortable and experienced as a hands-on accounting/finance/HR/operational professional.  Applicants must possess excellent interpersonal, communication and writing, time management and follow-through skills.   They must be a self-starter able to manage multiple assignments with minimal oversight, and must be able to work effectively as a member of a small team. Compensation depends on experience.  BS in accounting and 3-4 years of progressive experience in non-profit management and accounting are required. Knowledge of Deaf culture and ASL skills are highly desired. MCD is an equal opportunity employer.  All applicants shall receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religious creed, gender, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, or gender orientation. To apply, please forward your cover letter and resume to: Elissa Moran Maine Center on Deafness 68 Bishop St, Suite 3 Portland, ME 04103 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Professional Child and Adolescent Therapist Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program Volunteers of America - MN Mental Health Clinics St. Cloud, MN Salary range: $ 48,000 - $55,000 Volunteers of America -  MN is a nonprofit organization founded in 1896. We are one of the oldest and largest health and human service organizations in the state.  With a rich history of developing innovative programs to meet emerging social issues, we have 900 employees in central MN allowing us to serve 14,000 people in need every year. Our Mental Health Clinics is seeking a dynamic professional therapist as we expand our services for deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) youth and their families in the St. Cloud area.  VOA-MN's DHH program has been well established and successful in the greater Twin Cities and Faribault areas for over a decade in providing clinic, home and community-based mental health services; we are now looking to take our expertise and strong ability to create new sustainable programming to an area in need of our services. This effort is supported by the MN Department of Human Services, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division who has provided a one-year grant to offset the financial cost of branching into this new territory. We are looking for a Professional Therapist, fluent in ASL, who also possesses the passion and skills to build the program from the ground up. This involves community outreach skills in order to establish relationships including social networking and understanding business fundamentals such as budgets, and marketing to promote services and outcomes.  Within a 12-month period we would expect that the therapy role would be the primary focus as the program and client base would be established and able to sustain. If you are seeking a challenging opportunity serving youth and their families that also allows you to flex your therapist skills and business savvy simultaneously, this may be the position for you. Qualifications: -    Minimum of a M.A. degree in Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, Psychology, Social Work or related Behavioral Health field -    Licensed as a mental health professional in the state of MN -    Ability to work independently with direct supervision occurring from a remote site -.    Fluent in ASL and written English -    Ability to develop and maintain relationships in a diverse-rich environment -    Ability to complete required reports, case files, and other paperwork  in a timely manner -    Valid drivers license Preferred Qualifications: -    Experienced in programming for children with mental health disorders -    Knowledge of video technology used by deaf and hard-of-hearing people Benefits: VOA-MN staff makes the difference in the quality of services we provide our clients. We value the expertise they bring to our organization as well as the compassion, integrity, and innovations that help us live our mission daily. VOA-MN provides competitive salaries as well as a range of benefits including: -    Medical Insurance -    Dental Insurance -    Earn 15 paid vacation days per year -    Earn 6 sick days per year -    10 paid holidays -    Vision Plan -    Company-sponsored wellness initiatives -    403 (b) retirement savings plan -    Life insurance -    Short-term disability -    Long-term disability -    Flexible Spending Account -    Ongoing educational opportunities -    Credit union membership available Learn more about our organization or to apply, visit We are happy to assist you if you have any questions. Please contact us by email (please reference Mental Health Professional - St. Cloud in the subject line): Email: An EOE and Veteran Friendly Employer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Permanent Head of School for July 2013 The Pennsylvania School for the Deaf Philadelphia, PA Coed Day School 200 students, Pre-school-Grade 12 Located in Philadelphia, The Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (PSD), the third oldest school of its kind in the United States, is a premier provider of specialized educational services for students who are deaf and hard of hearing in preparation for further education or successful employment.  Its comprehensive programs range from early intervention programs for infants, toddlers and their families to the high school program with a largely academic focus, with the goal of post-secondary and/or vocational preparation.  PSD has 200 students, over 200 faculty/staff, and an operating budget of $14 million. The Board of Trustees has appointed an interim Head of School for the 2012-2013 school year. It seeks a permanent Head of School for July 2013 who is: - An energetic, dynamic and visionary educator who will take PSD to the forefront of educating deaf and hard of hearing students. - Someone with a deep understanding and appreciation for Deaf culture and the ability to communicate comfortably and well with both deaf and hearing people. - An educator with proven school leadership experience, adept at problem solving, sound decision-making and prudent fiscal management. - A person with an appreciation for diversity who will continue to foster it throughout the community. - A visible presence throughout the School--approachable, consultative and decisive. - An active listener and excellent communicator, both orally and in writing. - An articulate spokesperson for PSD who will be effective in advocating at the state level as well as with potential donors, prospective families, and the community at large. - An individual who will work collaboratively with the Board, and together with them articulate a vision for the School, build consensus, and further the implementation of the strategic plan as well as commit to ongoing planning for the future. Applications including a letter of interest, resume, personal statement, and list of five references should be sent by August 10, 2012 to Jean Lamont, or Deirdre Ling, Inquiries can be made to Jean Lamont (203-605-6975) or Deirdre Ling (508-423-1605). -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position notice Executive Dean, #12-301 SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf Big Spring, Texas Official transcripts as well as any other documents disclosing credentials pertaining to this position will be required. Will be subject to a criminal background check. Experience and other qualifications required: Master’s degree required.  A minimum o four (4) and up to eight (8) years of recognized and related leadership experience required, preferable in the community college setting.  Legal experience desired.  Administrative experience including community relations, program development, budgeting and eLearning preferred.  Must have strong interpersonal skills and understanding of the SWCID community and the desire to explore and acquire new knowledge to further the needs of the campus. Proficiency in American Sign Language and comprehensive understanding of Deaf culture and education, demonstrated ability to provide created leadership and a commitment to the principles of Continuous Quality Improvement. DESCRIPTION OF JOB DUTIES:    The Executive Dean- SWCID provides leadership for the instructional and support services of the SWCID campus and supervises campus compliance with all HCJCD policies and procedures, interfaces with educational and civic leaders to promote Howard College-SWCID and serves as a member of the Administrative Cabinet and other internal and external councils and committees as well as participates in the SWCID Foundation. The Executive Dean-SWCID is the lead administrator on matters related to instruction and support services on the SWCID campus. For a complete list of job duties please refer to the job description. SALARY RANGE:             $60,077 - $68,779 POSITION AVAILABLE:        Immediately TO APPLY: Send completed application and other materials to: Howard County Junior College District Human Resources Office 1001 Birdwell Lane Big Spring, TX  79720 (432) 264-5100 phone POSTED:                May 23, 2012 It is the intent of the Howard County Junior College District to provide equal employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, religion or veteran’s status or any other protected class.  Contact the Personnel Office if assistance is needed during the application process. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all employees hired after November 6, 1986 to provide proof of identity and eligibility to work in the United States. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- announcing an opening Art Teacher - Elementary School The American School for the Deaf West Harford, CT CLOSING DATE:     Until filled. The American School for the Deaf (ASD) is located on a 54 acre campus in West Hartford, Connecticut.  It is a residential and day program operating as a state-aided private school.  It was established in 1817 as the first permanent school for the deaf in America.  The current service load is approximately 215. SCOPE OF DUTIES Under the supervision of the Elementary Principal/Assistant Principal, instructs Elementary School students in art subjects to include regular, Deaf with Special Needs (DSN) and/or PACES students. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Master's Degree in Education of the Deaf with consideration given to applicants with a concentration in Art, appropriate State of CT Teacher Certification.  SCPI Level of Advanced.  Good judgment.  Ability to work in a collaborative setting.  Ability to work flexible hours when needed. Certification 042-ART and/or 057 (Deaf Education ) preferred SALARY AND BENEFITS (a)    Compensation range based union contract. (b)     Retirement, group health insurance, and other fringe benefits are available HOW TO APPLY: Send resume and letter of application to: Human Resources Office American School for the Deaf 139 North Main Street West Hartford, CT  06107-1269 FAX (860) 570-1832 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening RID Executive Director The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc Alexandria, VA The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID) is a 501(c)(3) association with more than 15,000 members. The mission of RID is to support the continued growth of the profession of sign language interpreting by ensuring excellence in the delivery of interpretation and transliteration services between people who are deaf or hard of hearing and people who are hearing. As such, RID is seeking a proven leader to serve as executive director; the ideal candidate is dedicated to promoting the welfare and growth of individual interpreters and the profession of interpretation and transliteration as a whole. RID currently employs 17 full-time staff and has an annual budget of $3 million. RID is located in Alexandria, Virginia. Qualifications: 1.    A Master's degree or equivalent education; Certification in Association Management (CAE) preferred 2.    7-10  years. experience in a similar sized association (preferably nonprofit) and excellent financial management skills and communication skills with diverse audiences 3.    Cultural and linguistic knowledge and understanding of the deaf community; proficiency in American Sign Language is strongly preferred For the detailed job description, qualifications and application process, please visit the RID Web site at Deadline for applications: July 2, 2012. Scheduled interviews for this position will occur in August and September, 2012, with hiring to be finalized on or before December 31, 2012. The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in the Department of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Lamar University College of Fine Arts and Communication Beaumont, Texas Applications and nominations are invited for a faculty position in the Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Department, pending available funding. Faculty reports to the Chair of the Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Department. The University seeks a person with high energy, enthusiasm and vision to work within the department that is in the process of programmatic expansion. The Department offers coursework at the undergraduate level in the area of American Sign Language (BA-ASL), at the graduate level with a Master’s degree (MS-Deaf Studies/Deaf Education and Doctoral degree Ed.D.) in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. In addition the BA and MS areas offer coursework leading to teacher certification. The successful candidate will possess strong teaching, research, and writing skills. The candidate must possess strong leadership skills and interpersonal skills with demonstrated work experiences with colleagues exhibiting positive collegiality. Responsibilities include: 1. Advise and counsel undergraduate ASL majors and graduate majors in Masters and Doctoral Deaf Education programs. 2. Teach undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses within the Department as program needs mandate. 3. Serve on departmental, college, and university committees as necessary. 4. Conduct research, scholarly activities, and grant writing to meet program needs. 5. Provide supervision for department majors during field experiences. 6. Meet other day-to-day responsibilities of the faculty position as necessary. Qualifications: The University seeks a person with knowledge, skills and proficiencies in providing training to students in careers related to ASL Studies and Deaf/Studies Education. The successful candidate will have: 1. Fluency in American Sign Language 2. An earned doctoral degree in Deaf Education, American Sign Language, Linguistics, or a closely related field. ABDs may be considered. 3. Knowledge of Deaf culture and extensive personal and professional experiences within the Deaf community. 4. Ability to demonstrate depth of knowledge regarding the EC-12 application of ASL/English bilingual education and evidence based practices. 5. Ability to demonstrate depth of knowledge and understanding in ASL acquisition by L1 and L2 learners. 6. Demonstrated teaching, research and publication skills. Preference will be given to candidates: 1) who are Native ASL user. 2) with three years of classroom experience with EC-12 deaf children. 3) with experience supervising student teachers. 4) with university teaching experience. 5) with certification in Deaf Education and/or ASL at the state-level (any state). Lamar University is a member of The Texas State University System, has an enrollment of approximately 14,000 students, and offers a wide variety of baccalaureate and masters degrees, as well as doctorates in four disciplines. Lamar faculty have a strong commitment to teaching excellence combined with research. Non-traditional students comprise almost 25% of the student enrollment at this culturally diverse, metropolitan university, while 70 percent of the student body is full-time and under the age of 25. Located on the banks of the Neches River in Southeast Texas, Beaumont is only 85 miles from Houston and 35 miles from the Gulf of Mexico beaches. Leisure opportunities abound nearby in the Big Thicket National Preserve and lake areas of East Texas. A wide range of cultural activities are provided through a regional symphony orchestra, art museum, historic houses, opera, ballet and theater companies. The cultural centers of Houston and Galveston offer many kinds of aesthetic enrichment. A year-round temperate climate increases opportunities for outdoor recreational activities. The position will be available for the Fall of 2012. This is a 9-month position with the possibility of Summer teaching opportunities. This will be a tenured-track position with rank and salary appropriate to experience and evidence of a terminal degree. Review of applications will begin May 18th, 2012, and will continue until the position is filled. “This position is security-sensitive and subject to Texas Education Code 51.215, which authorizes the employer to obtain criminal history record information. Applicants should submit a cover letter, complete curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of five references to: Chair of the Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Faculty Search Committee, c/o Human Resources Lamar University, P. O. Box 11127, Beaumont, Texas 77710. If you have questions, please call (409.880.8170) or email Dr. Tony Martin at Lamar University is an equal opportunity employer that actively seeks and encourages nominations and expressions of interest from members of groups that are traditionally underrepresented in higher education. The Department of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education also expresses interest in applications from individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position notice Career Placement Counselor #12-300 SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf Big Spring, Texas NOTE: Official transcripts as well as any other documents disclosing credentials pertaining to this position will be required. Will be subject to a criminal background check. Experience and other qualifications required: Master's degree in counseling, vocational rehabilitation, social work, psychology or other related field required. Must have LPC, LMSW, CRC, LPC-1 or be a participant in a pre-licensure supervision program. 3 years related experience required. Must have in-depth knowledge of career development, personal counseling theories, professional counseling/social work ethics, and career interest assessments. Fluency in American Sign Language required. Ability to use computer programs including Microsoft Office and the internet. Description of job duties: Provide career development and personal counseling services and career and academic assessments to Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals. Will assist students and faculty in student internship placement opportunities. For a complete list of job duties, please refer to the job description. SALARY RANGE: $40,070 - $42,714 POSITION AVAILABLE: Immediately Apply to: Howard County Junior College District Human Resources Office 1001 Birdwell Lane Big Spring, TX 79720 (432) 264-5100 phone POSTED: March 2, 2012 It is the intent of the Howard County Junior College District to provide equal employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, religion or veteran's status or any other protected class. Contact the Personnel Office if assistance is needed during the application process. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all employees hired after November 6, 1986 to provide proof of identity and eligibility to work in the United States. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position notice Provost #11-308 SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf Big Spring, Texas NOTE: Official transcripts as well as any other documents disclosing credentials pertaining to this position will be required. Will be subject to a criminal background check. Qualifications required: Master's degree required. Doctorate preferred with additional hours recognized. 10 years related experience required. Administrative experience including community relations, program development, budgeting, and E Learning. Strong interpersonal skills and understanding of the SWCID community. Must have the desire to explore and acquire new knowledge to further the needs of the campus. Proficiency in American Sign Language and comprehensive understanding of Deaf culture and education. Demonstrated ability to provide creative leadership and a commitment to the principles of Continuous Quality Improvement. DESCRIPTION OF JOB DUTIES: The Provost of SWCID is responsible for the operation of SWCID under the guidance of the District President. The Provost of SWCID will provide leadership for the campus and supervise campus compliance with all HCJCD policies and procedures; interface with deaf education and community leaders to promote the SWCID community; serve as a member of the Administrative Cabinet and other internal and external councils and committees as well as the SWCID Foundation. The Provost is the lead administrator on issues related to SWCID and Deaf culture and education, also serving as a resource for disability questions in the district. SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with education and experience POSITION AVAILABLE: Immediately Apply to: Howard County Junior College District Human Resources Office 1001 Birdwell Lane Big Spring, TX 79720 (432) 264-5100 phone POSTED: March 2, 2012 It is the intent of the Howard County Junior College District to provide equal employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, religion or veteran's status or any other protected class. Contact the Personnel Office if assistance is needed during the application process. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all employees hired after November 6, 1986 to provide proof of identity and eligibility to work in the United States. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - EXCITING EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS AT GLAD !! - -  Staff Interpreter -  Los Angeles, CA [Two positions open] -  Staff Interpreter - Bakersfield, CA -  Staff Interpreter - Riverside, CA [Two positions open] -  Job Developer/Interpreter -  Pacoima, CA To learn more about the above positions at GLAD, please go to our website: If interested for any of these positions then please submit resume and application to: Jeff Fetterman Human Resources Manager Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc. 2222 Laverna Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90041 V/TDD:  (323) 550-4207 Fax #:  (323) 550-4204 E-mail: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- other deaf-related jobs -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

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