DeafDigest - 23 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 23, 2015 morning -- New Jersey has two weird laws Every state has old laws, passed years ago, that make no sense today, and are called weird laws. In New Jersey there are two weird laws that could cause the deaf to be arrested. #1 - not allowed to make noise in Raritan, NJ (many deaf people make noise without being aware of it) #2 - bad facial expressions are not allowed (many deaf people use facial expressions while using ASL) Will these deaf people be arrested? No, because cops will laugh off these bad laws!       -- computer games require captions for the hearing Many people love to play games on their computers. For many of these hearing people they require captions! Why? Background noise; bad computer speakers; need to keep the home quiet. So, if the hearing require captions, then it greatly benefits the deaf.     past Mid-Week & morning editions:   7/19/15 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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