DeafDigest - 23 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 23, 2019 -- would not learn from deaf that knows how to do it It is always the same old story that hearing administrators decide what is best for the deaf without asking the deaf what is best for them. This is an issue that a deaf activist brought it up. An example is a flashing fire alarm. The hearing adminstrator decided to have it posted on a wall - behind - the deaf employee's desk, not realizing that the deaf person does not have eyes behind his head. The fire alarm had to be moved 3 or 4 times in the deaf person's work space before the deaf person was satisfied. Not just once did the hearing administrator ask the deaf employee if the newer location on the wall was good for him!   -- deaf coming back from the dead! It is always the same old story that in TV programs, movies and plays that a character is "killed off" but in future episodes that character comes back! A perfect example is deaf actress Shoshanna Stern being killed off as the Eileen character in the TV episode Men of Letters only to have her rise from the dead! Yes, it is up to scriptwriters to make the whole thing so believable, even when it is not!   -- almost perfect speech for deaf person with no speech A high tech company is coming up with am AI application that is said to develop speech-to-speech conversion for deaf people that have no speaking skills at all. Possible or impossible? It is impossible in the first place no matter how hard these tech people say it is very possible!   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/21/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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